New Campaign Levels

he isnt wrong tho…


wonder if the will let use use MGs on tanks is it is not broken

Po-2 trash

So why not let the fighters of both sides have the same bomb yield as the attack aircraft, and the aircraft of the same level on both sides share 50kg and 250kg bombs.

Could you please explain what is hapening here? If I remember correctly, sb from staff stated that you won’t be making asymmetrical progression.


I do have better too! Heck I bough the Firefly cause I’m a crazy Canuck! But I only take it out if there’s a big cat. If there’s none… the light vehicles are so FUN to use! And exploding in them doesn’t anger at all but creates wtf funny moments :laughing:

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imagine announced tanks come at the current premium prices.
you gonna get any of them?

i just have my eyes on the plane premium for stalingrad and the panzer IV/70(v) in berlin. besides that meh

how about you? since we have prety much the same amount of premium stuff ingame.

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Its finally here! I will repalce the PPSh with this gun in one of my assault squads, the SMGs were getting boring for me.

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so technically BARa6 should be BARa2 on steroids?

What do you mean?

keofox said zero recoil, ultra rate of fire, maximum destruction but it seems to me more good for supression as mg34, im confused

Imo it will be the best MG in the game. Light years ahead of german MGs that were supreme untill now.

  • the biggest ammo count that can’t be compared to any other gun
  • low recoil according to keo (as you’ve said)
  • resonable rof (about 500 rpm) that will make those 100 rounds seem to last even longer but at the same time will allow to spray area and get hits

still isnt a tiger tho x)

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No it isn’t.
But MG are my favourite weapons and I’m pissed off.

Imo M1919A6 with 50 rounds vs MG34 patronentrommel would be perfectly fine matchup. Simply because how great M1919 may (and it seems it will) be.
After quick math, M1919 with 50 rounds would still fire longer than MG34 with 75 rounds (6s vs 5s).

I don’t mind asymmetrical balance. But this matchup will be so bad it’s unbelievable. Especially concidering germany should have an “advantage” in MGs.

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As cool as this is, I’m kinda disappointed.

Mg34 (75r) is unnecessary copypaste that could’ve been an mg15.

Fedorov Avtomat makes 0 sense in Berlin. Even putting it into Moscow would be a stretch ,as they were being pulled out of service by that point (no ammo), so to see it in Berlin, as a regular unlock no less is kinda weird.

And more copypaste. As cool as it is to see an ‘STG’ is Berlin, it really should’ve been a 44.

Completely nonsense rifles in Tunisia. I’m fairly certain that neither the Johnson or the ZH saw enough combat use (if any) in tunisia to be a regular unlock.

And on the other hand, kinda disapointed something as iconic as the matilda is locked behind premium.

The Kiraly is cool, but should’ve replaced the berreta instead of being a new unlock.



still have more questions than answers.

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@1942786 Question, will the other Shermans, Stuarts, Grant/Lees and other tanks that had them get stabilizers retroactively?

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welcome to the F2P style of monetization.

Make people spend.

makes alot of sence as gameplay reasons, its a nice “counter” to stg’s.
atleast the alpha variant was :stuck_out_tongue:

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Highly excited for the update. Let’s go.

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Yes. Thank you for your attention. Model 39M is not ready yet and we will replace it when we do.