New Campaign Levels

so normandy gets slightly better Sherman and tiger ok sure like the Pather A was not bad enough

panther was more than enough tbh.

but… its a tiger… the kitty will Force playerbase how “to flank it bro”.

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You call 0.7 dispersion accurate? lmao.

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grey zone campers on dday map

who needs grey zone when one can simply just use a braincell? :smiley:


What are? Food?

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Not over, don’t be silly but I love it just as much

Oooh wait, it’s not the easy 8 but a upgunned Shermy. Still my kind of tank however. A pure glass canon: you see your enemy first = enemy “ded”. But reverse is also true.


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Walcome to the world of an m10 player

oh boy thats a reason i want to see the hellcat so badly ingame :X

and another reason i own the “rare” to be seen chaffee :X


I never complained about it. Those who did are mostly those who unly spammed the jumbo crutch.

In Tunisia for example, I prefer the Crusader over the Grant. And the Semonvente over the pz3, it being a pure TD.

Hellcat = love


as they allow you to destroy so many tanks, I only destroyed 1 and I already had a kamikaze going directly to my position with a 250 kg bomb

Oh come on… This is insulting.

This system was already criticized many times as it stinks with P2W… 5 gunners out of which one is engineer with all structures?
This is exactly how to NOT do things…

Forum is flooded by different suggestions that are 1000 times better than this manipulative cashgrab.

Premium squads should reflect their F2P counterparts, where only their specific specialists should have their special weapon (so no engineers with a damn LMG), others should be left with weapons their F2P counterparts can wield.
That way you can make premium squads of gunners with 7 members and different specialists without making it stupidly broken.
Not to mention that all premium squads (including the old ones) should follow this same pattern in order to make all premium squads sellable in comparison.


This is not Kiraly 39M. This is Kiraly 43M you have mistaken.


it’s also so difficult to get out and use detpack … no, it’s more fun to cry

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Sorry for the negative criticism … But apart from Fedorov Avtomat, Pz.IV F2 and Sherman II, there is absolutely nothing good that you have reported here … (i mean only in this news, Stalingrad and other things are ok)

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It’s seriously all what we fat whales want. I have no need of overpowered, but restricted squads. I just want FUN and UNIQUE things. Like that new witch plane. Doesn’t look powerful at all. But truly unique, so I’m interested in it. I will not buy those new lmg squads however, just like I didn’t get the p2w ones in Moscow.


This is far from true, this is what benefits literally everybody in the game. Be it an absolute whale or 100% F2P.

How is something so obvious so hard to understand for DF?


I mean fat whales are whose buying those… Just saying we, who are buying those… don’t want those??? :thinking:

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I misunderstood there heh.
I was probably too blind by babyrage to spend time to actually both read and understand. That was mistake on my part.