New Campaign Levels

Fantastic, been looking forward to the Browning for a looong time, thank you!

Germans have no premium squads. Po-2 squad is a legendary squad and we wanted to make it collectable.


Yeah, that was a bad topic. You can read things under it to understand what we wanted to say. Sorry.

P.S. You can also buy customisation for gold, or premium-account.


And correct model Kiraly 39M


But I meant just just one squad, for example the assaulter III or whatever squads they come with if they aren’t a standalone unlocks. (kinda the same way how the only squad able to build the MG nest is the engineer II squad). Because I don’t really want Enlisted to become what the War Thunder is right now - a game advertised as historically accurate yet with complete disregard for historical accuracy.

So that answears my question I guess. There are no microtransactions as in “pay to skip grind”, right?

Yes, you can’t buy levels/weapons/soldiers for gold in Stalingrad.

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There will be no more premiums on that campaign?

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If not, im kinda dissapointed by lack of small Axis nations squads.


I’d like to see it too. But if it would be so broken and soulless as teased M1919A6 seems to be, than I pass.

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no one is gonna talk about how out of touch you guys have becomed?

50 euros for literally…

10/8 dudes?

expensive joke, i’ll tell you that much.

it’s also funny how people complains about premium squads being generic and always the same with the increase of automatic weapons:

devs keep sending those squads that are always at the same model despite milions of suggestions on how to improve them, with always the same weapon for every soldier.


Currently no, except flamethrower tanks for full-access.

does that mean that the bomber squad showen above for people with full acess will have to be bought as well?

Ofc lol

Both that plane and flametrower tanks give extra xp?
Like 400% with pass, 800 with pass and premium %? With premium pass and premium squad, 1200?

I m sad no collective premium for. Germans.
. Anyway


Yes. Po-2 squad is Enlisted-gold squad available for Soviet side in Stalingrad. If you want to add Night Witches to your collection, you can buy them for Gold.

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They already answered this. Their devlog was badly written.


Keo already confirmed before that they are going to have premium squads…
The whole “one purchase no microtransactions” is just for marketing… once you make people spend money, you already won so there is no need for a charade.


well, i guess they got me " good ".

Congratulations :rofl:
I suppose you are far from being the only one who bought this with the assumption that it is an only a one-time purchase.