New Bazookas

These are new Bazookas that should be added to the Allies Research Tree

M1A1 Bazooka, slight improvements from the original, entered service in 1943

M9 Bazooka, improved and simplified, entered service in late 1943

As a side note, the “M9 Bazooka” in game is actually the improved M9A1 Bazooka with optical sight. It should be properly renamed

M20 Bazooka, a stronger bazooka was developed in 1944 to compete with German weapons that had more penetration, finalized in 1945 shortly after Japan’s surrender, entered service for the Korean War

I think the M20 Bazooka should replace the “captured Panzerschreck”. This game never shies away from prototypes and experiments. It’s better for a faction to have an authentic arsenal instead of just lazy copy pastes


Thank you for your post. I agree about the M20 Bazooka.

It was developed in 1944 and as you said its much better having a late war weapon that did exist then a BS copy paste from another nation.

If anyone argues against the M20 being added I would direct them to the entire Japanese tree which is full of nonsense that never existed outside of a designer’s head.

Adding the M20 also means it’s in the tech tree for if/when DF decides to make the Korean War. (add the M4A3 ‘Easy Eight’ [which was used in WWII] and they pretty much have all the Allied Korean War tech in game)


M20 penetration is only 127 mm.

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devs already squashed it by saying the high performance rockets until after the war

The addition of the Korean War means that it will be extended to BR6.
If that happens, the M20 will be put into BR6, and IS-3 and Jet planes will be added as TT in timing.
But if that happens, I’m all for it.
Can’t wait for Su-9 with 500kg and Shooting Star with 1000lb on the BR6 in Soviet vs US.


IS-3 has nothing to do with Korean war. :man_shrugging: It’s far more related to WW2. As it is at least paraded in Berlin.

As far as I know, IS3 never was nowhere close to Asia during Korean War.


the only faction that needs more AT weapons is japan, because they possess nothing above BR2, which is literally insane


It’s just an example.

mean while Japan with there best being a BR 2 item…

Why t99 not go boom!?

the english one (forgot the name: / )would be the best with his hesh at 183 mm pen

Derelict Panther Ausf. G used as a target for the M20 Super Bazooka ( date unknown )


I can imagine this argument for HA would count 2 years ago, but today?

We already have so many fantasy weapons in BR5, adding prototype AT launchers wouldn’t be immersion breaking at all, as long as they are not completely made up like Japanese Ho Ri.

He literally hasn’t mentioned HA a single time. And I agree with him.

If factions are going to share copy pasted equipment between each other. Then there’s literally no reason to have factions in the first place.

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@Dregomz has showed us a nice and worth it alternative with 180 mm of pen


I also agree with him, this question was rhetorical.

As multiple time stated on the forum The rocket the M20 used back in 45 were worse than the one used on the M9, even if added a 1945 M20 it would be just a bit better than the M1, isn’t a weapon problem but ammunition

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Unfortunately, the RCL 3.45 Mk.1’s HEAT only had ~100mm of pen. Fortunately though, the HESH shell was effective up to 152mm armor at any angle the round wouldn’t bounce off of. In other words, it can only pen the Tiger II’s hull from the front (might make for some nice variety?).

I apologize as I don’t currently have access to my source on the performance of these projectiles.

As for OP’s suggestions: I don’t see why not, so long as there’s no redundance (like if they all fired the same ammunition). I think the M9E2 firing T59 rockets is a better candidate to replace the Ofenrohr since it’s an experimental variant firing experimental ammunition, and T59 penetrated 7/4x more than M6A3.

M20 (designated experimentally as T74 before adoption) firing what would be T80 rockets is totally feasible too, though I’ve only seen a penetration figure of 5 inches, on this document (the section in question is from June 28th, 1945. Definitely fits within Enlisted’s timeline):

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This should also be added to the Research Tree to give Britain an option. I like using British gear with whatever British squads as it should

Overall Britain needs to better fleshed out as a sub faction, and hopefully one day independent faction


This is my point of view, but people prefer to play with all captured german weapondry.

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M20 during WW2 was no better than the M9 already ingame as the good performing rockets where not developed until well past ww2.

If player insist to still get the M20 then go ahead but expect to be disappointed as it might very much be a downgrade over the already existing launchers.

Just because the tube itself is dated to have existed in WW2 does not mean its ammo was.
Especialy when you consider that a laucher itself is very simple to design so this should not even be a factor.
I would not be suprised if you could convert an oven pipe into a working laucher in only a few hours and even less if you already got the know how.

If they want to add post war content then they will have massive issues equiping germany as after the war the arms industry did not exist for 10ish years meaning they really need to have to jump a long time ahead if they want to add unique content making all the WW2 maps kinda invalid to use.