New Battle Pass: Second Season of 2024

As a matter of fact I am not against adding prototypes or fictional weapons.
I truly enjoy the AS44 and T20E1.
The problem is that BR5 and lesser BRs that are fantasy are forced to participate in the same matches.
If you try to have fun with BR3-4 by building a deck that is as true to history as possible, you are playing against fantasy people.
Eventually, if the playing population grows and they can increase their BR queue, my complaints about fantasy will go away.

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Yeah. I am sure we will get a BR 6 at this rate.


Somewhat similar, but the Enlisted guy got a much more disproportionately big chin, like a bow of a large ship:


I think his chin is manly.

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image :ok_hand:


i would prefer a Korean war phase tbh but if br6 mean more weapon then cool i guess


I prefer the one on the left.
Why do people do unnatural photo plastic surgeryā€¦

BR6 and a proper BRĀ±2 matchmaker are really neededā€¦
The sheer amount of powercreep in BRā€™5ā€™ is insane, to the point that BR4 feels like it always on full uptiers while technically being the mid BR of the matchā€¦

The King Tiger and most ARā€™s at BRā€™5ā€™ is a joke. Who in their right mind thought that they are equal to the rest of the BR5 gear??? We have way too many BRā€™5ā€™ weaponry already, just decompress it already into BR6.

And if you are scared of bad queue times, just fix your matchmaker system into a true BRĀ±2 matchmaker and see queue times drop because BR2-3-4 and BR4-5-6 matches would exist.


I can completely agree with you.


i just hope if br6 ever added it became ā€œkorean phaseā€ since most weapon would probably be in korea i guess (as you can tell i like weapon a lot)

oh man, thatd actually be very clever way of doing it, then you couldnt put them on just everyone aswell

4 gold order lmgs, whether or not a big update comes soon with new research tree weapons is unknown


it will be a big update but I think it will be a week or two after season changes that we will see the major update
and as far as we can tell soviets gonna get t34-57(1943) and I-185 fighter in tech tree
American gonna get T20 early model rifle as a select fire rifle in TT
Japan gonna get Sig Ke 7 in TT

Also a major event will be happening that will reward allies with Whirlwind Mk I
and soviets with T-34-100

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I have never seen these French speaking soldiers after the merge (no more other units). If I remembered correctly, there are voice-line quotes for French soldiers about parachuting, but that has been around for a long time, probably just like other games, do it well first and then wait until there is a chance to use it.

For weapons, if they are added to the tech tree of a certain faction now, it is almost impossible for them to be taken out again in the future.

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Same thing as only 3BRs Ā±0

what a dissapointing season :confused: Again

Since this BP is mg focused , why donā€™t the devs do a re-run of the Charlton automatic rifle squad to many people missed out on? Itā€™s a BRII squad, so will help out the noobs a bit. This a rather early event squad, so not a lot of people know this thing existed. @James_Grove

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bring back the mkb42W!!!

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3BRs Ā±0 is straight up worse for balance, variety (+fun) than even the current system.
6BRā€™s Ā±2 gives you alot more flexibility than thatā€¦ 1 more BR for balance and more nuance in the matchmaker.

With a proper BRĀ±2 matchmaker you get the following match combinations:
BR 1-2-3
BR 2-3-4
BR 3-4-5
BR 4-5-6
And if you wanna go fancy, you can temporarily (& automatically) give BRĀ±1 matchmaker to overcrowded BRā€™s (for example BR 1-2 matches alongside BR 1-2-3 and BR 2-3-4)

Well, this is the most hideous MM suggestion I have ever seen yet.