New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

I mean, I’m happy with my Japanese pistol blade…

It’s an oddity. It’s what bp should be about: strange, bizarre but unique and novel things.

Power creep isn’t making the fun. But many here seem to have forgotten.

However do you have any info about the new general rewards format of this bp (green cards, silver, etc?) Or simply if you know another blog will explain it (because I know you guys are not at liberty to say everything)? :thinking:


i personally will only talk about stuff that is public announced. stuff can change. and i dont want to be accounted to it :slight_smile:

Community managers, helpers and developers are the ones that can give you answers!

either way joe, even tho my answer isnt what you seek, current BP season is almost over, you will find it very soon by yourself :slight_smile:


I thought I had a big bank at 200+ holy cow Parrot.
True though, I don’t spend mine simply because I don’t trust that A) they won’t be deleted and B) they don’t make SENSE


If I didn’t have to make two accounts I think I’d have almost 3000

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The gunkatana is actually pog
I remember really ruining someone’s day by alternatively shooting and slicing with it, it was hilarious, poor guy had no idea wtf was happening
.45 ACP Owen I find kind of hilarious, as if the tech tree version wasn’t confused enough. Shame they didn’t go for broke and gave us the .455 Webley version instead (Apparently that’s the ammo they got to run 10k rounds fired endurance test lol)


I’ll get the Aussie smg this next bp as well.

Because a .45 Owen is weird. I like strange stuff, I only hope it reloads fast! :smile:


No you wouldn’t.

I almost never spent any (I bought 3 hats MAXIMUM during my 3 years) and I’m close to 1,8k.


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Maybe not exactly 3000 but it was close so be about 2000 something I just can’t remember because it’s been so long since I’ve seen that account

Well, they’re already functional in game (since modern war event) so hopefully one day we see 'em in the Ardennes


Honestly, I am happier about the propaganda posters, than anything else.
When are we getting news about the BP’s new format?


BP reset is tomorrow.
They might surprise us with something.


yea perhaps a new event with new APC wink wink


Congratulations btw, Enlisted is the third game to feature this unique and rare SMG.
These rare weapons really became Enlisted’s most lucrative aspect.


Spitfire where…

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we are on it my friend. !


The Mors was never issued to tank crews as intended, because it ended up being too long to be used comfortably in a tank. They would continue to use Wz. 35 pistols. Also this weapon could have been included in an interesting event squad rather than the battle pass.

This is prolly the worst BP ive seen in a while its only C&P what took you so long then why was it extended just for those skins ooof ima skip this one for sure.

Yeah, let’s willingly degrade weapon by locking it to event squad.


What a nice thing to see. :slight_smile: The third time a suggestion has made it to the game!
A long time ago i made a highly researched list of unique experimental weapons for the soviets, including the Bezruchko-Vysotsky M1942, which now got added!

my last unique suggestion some time ago, the white and red arrow mig-3 has made it to the game too as you saw in the battlepass store, as well as the AT-44 which i had in a suggestion post!

A third time, nice to know that the devs actually look through heartly made suggestions! :wink:

(even if it would have been an accident that they added it, still nice to have it!)


Oh cool more polish guns. New posters look nice and way more distinct than previous copy pasted posters.

Are we going to get also captured vehicles in future like: