New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

Now, see, if you’d corrected your tone and provided examples in the first place, we could have avoided all the unpleasantness.

I don’t mind being wrong, or being told I’m wrong, especially if you provide the reciepts. I mind being treated like an idiot for having incorrect information.


True, i only placed them in 1% of matches, when game was so boring i just started decorating room where we spawn camp the enemy

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Early morning so apologies about the snobiness.

Long and short expect the update maybe within the ~month+. No hard rule at this point; once equipment previews start for it we know its near; preorders still come out ~ 7 days before the update release so thats usually the best heads-up of an imminent patch.


Did you just add a handle to this remove the bayonet to make it a gold order? Please explain how this is better than SIG 1920. Which is extremely low recoil, great sights and 50 round mag already?


Same. So many stimulants left to put in my face.

But yeah, you’re right. If it was gonna hit today we’d have had preorders up last week, that tracks. There’s probably gonna be some kind of promo for the steam release, too.

The question is, will it release on steam Q1, or will they push this update and postpone steam to Q2?

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These BP additions seem very lacklustre. Jumbo skin just some green paint streaks and 4 new SMGs that probably won’t get used… why not add something more unique or at least different to tech tree variants?


It most likely isn’t. All Japanese GOs are worse (or at best on the same power level) than it’s tech tree equivalents. Type 4/Type hei 10 differences are debatable.
And only Swordpistol is exception, that’s just pure gimmick.

So I don’t know why are you assuming it has to be better because it’s GO.


Well given that we got 2 type hei rifle with 10 rounds capacity, all of them being gold order weapons, I am not even surprised.


Why removing the Erma now because now the USA will just have one choice for suppressed weapon?


Suppressed weapons are just gimmick. It slightly affects AI soldiers. But they’re already braindead so there’s no real advantage.
Meaning, who cares?


The enemy are almost incapable to know what kill them when we use suppressed weapon. By the ways they are very good at low br.

most generic statement ever. not gonna lie.

but i hope it means something good and unique.

even though i still have no clue how it would work either given the lacklaster selection and buggy mess of the customization system that we find ourselves having in the first place.

anyway, as it goes for the rewards, nice.
something new.

will most certainly grab the bf 110 f2, chi nu and perhaps the owen.


Agreed and that’s bad. Japan could really use a good gold order weapon. Like a battle rifle or a good MG. It’s harder to do for the other nations because they have so much tech but for Japan it should be relatively easy.

Instead we get something that is almost copy paste… again.

I’m not surprised. I’m disappointed.


The gold orders this season seemed quite lackluster


The owen will mustly be a M3 damage with 15 rounds :skull:


You should be glad that GOs aren’t OP must haves like for example t20 is.

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It still has top mounted mag and bad sights. I won’t use it.


i pretty much have all guns. ( outside japanese ones and soviets protos )

so i’m not really taking it for efficency.

it’s a owen after all.

love for the :australia:


I don’t even know what they’re doing with the gold orders for the Japanese at this point

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You mean they’re not talking about major updates or bugfixes in an announcement about the new battle pass? That’s just outrageous!

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