New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024


The SKS which we have in game was battle tested in the Belorussian Offensive, but it is now locked to a discontinued premium squad and most likely will never be in the tech tree.


Source document?

According Bolotin’s “Soviet Small Arms and Ammunition” the first batch of SKS rifles (which could be supposedly called first field test series) were delivered to Vistrel officer training school and First Belorussian Front. First Belorussian Front battle-tested the carbine and providing positive feedback. Bolotin does not provide exact time frame, but this must have happened 1944 - 1945 or only 1945.

Bolotin’s book (pages 115 - 116) tell that according the feedback “Simonov carbine was simple, light and manoeuvrable, and easily mastered during training. It was also convenient to fire, useful in bayonet assault, and could be reloaded with little trouble. Disadvantages included excessive sensitivity to dust and mud, which resulted frequent jams; occasional extraction failures, owing to cartridge cases sticking in the chamber; failures to eject; and feed jams caused by cartridges failing to enter the chamber”.

“Trials commission of the First Belorussian Front, realising that the advantages far outweighted the flaws, recommended perfecting the carbine so that it could be adopted by the Soviet Army.”

It is worth noting that apparently these first field test series SKS rifle was quite different from actual mass production version, which was not approved to use of Red Army until year 1949.

These first SKS Rifles/Carbines were also chambered for the 7.62x41MM Cartridge and not x39


“Из 50 карабинов один был отстрелян на НИПСВО на полную живучесть в 8000 выстрелов (при этом было получено 1,76% задержек), один направлен в распоряжение НКВ и шесть отправлены в ГАУ. К отправке на войсковые испытания завод подготовил 42 карабина. 14 июня 1944 года партия карабинов Симонова в количестве 37 шт. ушла с завода в действующую армию, остальные пять карабинов отправились на курсы усовершенствования офицерского состава «Выстрел».”
“На фронте карабины СКС решили выдать в войска 1-го Белорусского фронта в подразделения, находящиеся в обороне, посчитав, что в этих условиях можно будет оценить их максимально полно. Ход и результаты испытаний карабинов СКС на фронте отражены в отчёте представителя ГАУ капитана П. И. Параничева (документ датирован 19 августа 1944 года): «Начальнику УЗПСВО ГАУ КА генерал-майору инженерно-артиллерийской службы тов. Дубовицкому Н. Н. Отчёт-доклад инженер-капитана Паранчева Н. И., принявшего участие в войсковых испытаниях партии 7,62-мм самозарядных карабинов Симонова. […]Карабины переданы личному составу 2-й роты 1083 стрелкового полка 14 августа 1944 г. В период с 14.08.1944 г. по 18.08.1944 г. карабины применялись в боевых операциях части.”

and this Russian part is from here
I can’t read Russian so I had to translate it 37 were used as field tests and 5 other were sent to Vistrel like what Bolotin stated in his book

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Well, even if that were the case, somewhere in 1944-45 a sample batch was tested and then not adopted until 1949 – I really don’t see how SKS makes sense in main progression tree for Soviet WW2 army

half of the stuff going by this statement doesn’t belong to tech tree from T-50 to Armaguera 39 to M2 carbine and type Hei your view is very flawed or narrow if we limited ourselves to what was adopted in huge quantities we wouldn’t have half of the stuff

Also this SKS isn’t same as SKS-45 which was adopted in 1949 did you bother to read, a gun that wasn’t adopted and used different ammo than SKS-45, its predecessor of SKS-45 that can be added Also we have SKS-31 (uses 7.62x54mmR and has 5 integral mag) which saw limited field tests in hand of again Belurussian front troops during 1943 if we have SKS-31 why cant we have SKS-carbine (name of the gun was SKS-carbine or its whats written in documents ) also we can add SKS-30 same as 31 but has 10-round enbloc clip and we can also add SVS-53 which is predessesor of SKSs ofcourse SVS-53 didn’t see combat but do you think I care as long as it existed and can be balanced Im OK if I wanted authentic WW2 experience I would have played HLL Im here for fun and I don’t think most people care about HHA (Harcore Historical Acurasy ) as you do

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I beg your pardon, HLL is a shitty game, just a PTSD simulator , if you want a good historical accurate game play RO2 and PS but both are dead ends with only a core of fans playing everyday.
So much for the great need for historical accuracy.
Most people expectation in a WW2 game is not seeing post war weapons.

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I don’t know if that’s already been reported, but the new gold order La-5FN is available for the wrong squad, like the japanese tank. It is currently available for the 287th fighter aviation regiment, while the other available La-5FNs (both regular and gold order) are assigned to the 515th fighter aviation regiment.

It’s not a bug, the 515th is a legacy squad, so it won’t get it

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Why can’t old legacy squads use new GO vehicles? :((

The image of this “SIG 1930” actually appeared during the initial update of the Pacific War, so I guess it’s not a new weapon.

According to M4A3E2 Jumbo Sherman 1944-45 – Mike’s Research ( and Fisher M4A3E2 Jumbos (, the Registration Numbers of the 254 M4A3E2 built was started from 3082923 and ended with 3083176.

So theoretically, there won’t be an M4A3E2 with a registration number of 3051379. I couldn’t find a Jumbo called “Jackson” at all, and this kind of paint is also very strange.

I have no idea why it has lime green stains


The kill ring markings don’t look very American either.

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I am more surprised by the fact that they had comic sans in 1944/45.

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Truly amazing, I didn’t expect this to be one of the pieces of evidence.

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