New AI features and improvements

Officers! We continue to work on AI-soldiers improvements and have prepared a number of them for the upcoming major update. They will make your squad more realistic and live, adding more logic and tactical options in a battle.


You will be able to select among two different behavior models for your AI-soldiers. Aggressive - where a soldier will try to shoot any enemy on sight, and passive - where they will try to stay unnoticed and shoot only if attacked.

Using that selector it will become easier to use flank maneuvering and stealth squad movement remaining unnoticed until needed. The selection is made on the radial menu.

To better understand how to remain stealthy, let us remind you of the key enemy detection factors for AI:

  1. If the target is moving, and what the movement speed is.
  2. Body position of the enemy. Prone is less likely to be noticed than crouched, and crouched - less likely than standing.
  3. Distance to target.
  4. If the enemy is within the field of view or not.
  5. The sound of shots have very high priority in attracting AI attention, factored also by the distance to any flying bullets.


If AI is being shot at, in order to fight back they need to locate their enemy. That now takes some time, depending on a number of factors like distance to the source of threat and it’s position relative to AI (the more behind - the more difficult to locate). Only after finding the source of threat can an AI-soldier start shooting back. But to do it they need to aim at the target, and the speed of turning and aiming will also be lowered to be more in line with the reaction and strength of a regular person.


AI-soldiers will tend to change their position less now, moving from cover to cover and obstructing your aim. Instead they will be more focused on finding incoming enemies, and choosing their position. They will also look more often in the direction of any possible incoming enemy and less time staring at a wall.

All these changes will make squad battles in Enlisted more diverse and realistic, allowing officers to use a wider range of tactical solutions. Naturally, we will keep working on improving the AI further.


There is where I like you devs, when you actually make changes the community asked for


Now this is a change I can get behind. Hopefully I won’t get knifed by one guy walking through my 9 squadmates.

You want to do something really special though? Make it so I can mark a friendly tank and order my squad to defend it like I can currently do to a capture point. Suddenly you can assign infantry support to armored and might help alleviate Grey Zone Camping.


And making some that we didn’t lol.

Nice, it would be more realistic if you can add some inertia for bot and players to make less robotic too

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Now if only the level news was as good as this…

ah, finally some good news for our ears.

not what was promised from Devblog Number one, but still better than nothing. one step after another :slight_smile:


Nice. I can’t wait to see AI in action.


The last two update news feels like being stabbed and after that healed but still hurting from the wound


So about it I said.
Begin with bored,end interesting(I hope it not will end on bad note).

Amazing! After so much time of waiting, it is finally here.
Also, will the current AI stance remain as “default,” or is either aggressive or passive going to replace it completely?


Now look at that! what a great idea, literal Panzergrenadiers would be soo cool.

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Those are really great news.

Kind of. I suppose that with the mentioned development report devs took a bit more than they could chew at the moment.
However, it is almost there as long as current stance stays as default and AI will actually try to find cover instead of standing around and getting mowed down to reflect “default defensive stance.”


That is cool, Bob isn’t it?
Why are you starring at the wall?



Sometimes, I’m dangerously close to being competent.

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  • D I V E R S E *
    or I’ll puke in your mouth …

Naiso keofox-San.

Keep this type of updates coming! Aí needs lots of work since it’s main part of the game.

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Improvements in AI behaviour are always welcome news but seeing is believing

I so love this idea myself, almost wished i thought of that :stuck_out_tongue: , saves me doing that duty, if i around a tank.

Wow, what a awesome update, so on the right track with this sort of improvement, compared to last few (cough) improvements.