Nerf impact grenades - how it should be

It is known that the developers do not want to remove these grenades from the game.

So in addition to the known change, due to which the grenade should stop killing tanks should be the following:
Impact grenades should not be used without delay, there should be an animation where the player must activate the grenade, if the animation is not done until the end - the grenade does not explode even in the owner’s hands.

Right now I don’t feel there is any difference between a regular hand grenade and an impact grenade, both either do about equal damage or no damage at all to anyone.
So either make the regular grenades stronger or make the impact grenades weaker, ideally both actions.

Changing the impact of br grenades doesn’t solve the problem. It’s just going to literally hurt the Japanese and USSR in the future, even though they already see them quite often. At most Japanese 4br don’t see them that often because their games are anti-bot games, they don’t meet 5br Americans yet.


Simply Removing Impact Grenades will eliminate this issue with Impact Grenade Spammers.


Unfortunately keo thinks people “downloaded the game, donated and leveled up for the sake of impact grenades”. Therefore, removal is unacceptable


They seem to be equally potent as regular grenades.

Both generally accessible anti infantry mines and impact grenades are hurting the flow of the game quite a bit.

impact and rifle nades need to be more limited

since you can equip entire squads with them limiting them to like 1 per dude would remove the noob tube effect while maintaining their utility


But no one is going to limit them like that, so they need to be changed

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This is due to the nerfing of explosives in general. Regular Grenades have a max damage of 75 at 0m and fall to 0dmg at 10m. Impact grenades do 25dmg at 0m and 0dmg at 8m. I assume the damage dropoff doesn’t use the inverse square law because of these values from the datamine so it’s either a progressive dropoff to 0 or a linear dropoff.

If it’s a linear drop off then Regular Grenades become non-lethal by 8-9m and Impact Grenades become non-lethal by 4-5m. Though I think this isn’t the case from in game experience. AI also runs away from live grenades even if they won’t actually be killed by them due to obstacles. So, an impact can down or outright kill a full squad in a room but a Frag may only kill 1-2 AI if you’re lucky.

If it’s a progressive dropoff to 0 then the damage becomes non-lethal much faster which may explain why Grenades feel so underpowered but Impacts feel more impactful, especially since impacts will become much closer to a frag in terms of its lethal radius. The extreme I can use to demonstrate this is the inverse square law which is the most progressive drop off system used. Under this system Frags become non-lethal by 4m and impacts by 2m. This halves the difference in lethal radius.

My personal preference is to buff frags to make them very effective at killing infantry so that impact grenades become more situational for things like room clearing at dangerous angles. IRL defensive grenades (frags) from WW2 have a lethal radius of 5m and a casualty radius 15m. Offensive grenades (concussion grenades) rely solely on the concussive force of the blast so should the impact grenade should have a lethal radius of 1-2m and a damage radius of 3-4m (based on the weight in game which indicates its 3/5ths the weight of the frags so should have roughly less than half the kill radius since it would produce very little harmful shrapnel.

Explosive packs should retain their AP characteristics, but should have a 4m lethal range and the frags 10m damage range due to the explosive size.


I believe I have the solution you’re looking for.

Nice wording, but makes alot of sense, AI can not run from impact grenades, makes them a whole lot more effective - though I can see situation where you actually want AI to run around like chickens.


I mean if I have the bunker room on Normandy but I don’t want to peak I chuck a made in and watch em run out like chickens into my SMG. But they also do it when the grenade is behind a solid 10ft wall so it needs work regardless.

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You gonna get an useless piece of grenade like it happened with the phosphorus after the nerf.

This grenade is useful only because it is bugged now and it can destroy tanks. And lot of people do abuse this bug rn.
Otherwise EP would be still a better take.

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and our favorite topic returns once again.


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I don’t care about nerfing impact grenades. But they should at least fkn fix them.
And it is bug, since it was already acknowledged by helpers.

I didn’t know this, I’m gonna exploit the bug and blame you. Thanks man!


I don’t need impact grenade to wipe bot squad on objective in few secs

I think not for you, but for the dudes with a squad of 9 people with impact grenades in the squad… Although what am I talking about, you’ll just get out of the fight if this happens)

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I think this is the big one. All grenades need to be slowed down by adding more complete animations for preparation to throw. Nobody should be able to rapid fire multiple grenades of any type.

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Hey, I have some opinions of my own
First of all, I think the fundamental problem with impact grenades is the large grenade backpack
Changes in quantity lead to changes in quality. When each soldier can only carry one impact grenade it may not cause as much damage, but if three…
This means that up to 27 impact grenades can be carried, and abuse occurs.
In addition, the lack of impact grenades by the Soviet and Japanese troops is also a huge problem; it is also a BUG that impact grenades can destroy King Tiger tanks.

I personally don’t want game developers to nerf impact grenades the same way they nerfed explosive charges and white phosphorus grenades, first of all, it doesn’t make any sense.
The game’s projectiles have been nerfed so much, but abuse still occurs, which means there is no point in nerfing a specific projectile. , because after you weaken it, players will use another type of grenade.
We should change grenade packs, this is the root cause of abuse (I actually reported on this issue in 2022).
To solve this problem, I think we need to classify grenades into three categories: explosives, smoke grenades, and incendiary throwables.
Then the grenade bag is restricted to carrying only one type of each type of projectile. If I carry any type of explosive (including grenades, explosive bags, impact grenades), I can no longer carry the same type of explosive.

This idea comes from CS. The throwing objects in CS are tactical props. Their existence makes the CS game more exciting, rather than just using a certain kind of throwing object to spam.

In addition, this change will help players carry tactical items that are beneficial to the team: smoke grenades. To be honest, how many times have we seen players actively carry smoke grenades in the game? It’s useful, but players would rather choose something else.

The most fundamental problem: each soldier can only carry one impact grenade! Every camp must have impact grenades, this is the most fundamental key!
By carrying only one, their impact will be minimal