Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

By the way, I’m rather sure that yesterday in a Moscow BR 2 match with Soviets (I checked twice my lineup before and after) I was killed a pair of times by MG42 early premium guys (BR V).

The new change is terrible. It forces a total reorganization of game tactics and kills the semi-historical atmosphere of the game. The use of bolt-action weapons that made sense in some campaigns has completely lost it. These changes cause weapons that were historically absent in a given war region to appear there, even though they often did not exist at all. An embarrassment that will cause the outflow of players interested in atmospheric gameplay in specific locations. The situation could have been saved a little by separating the Italian and British trees and dividing the battles into continents instead of armies.


i agree : gameplay now is : Teams
x ***Full Machine gun
x ***Submachine
with 1 Bombing Radio …
with 1 sniper
all Grenades .
0 x enginner ,

i want not polymic on spawn & ammo :wink:

I absolutely loved my campaign loadouts and loved reolplaying a BT-7.
Why the fck would I ever otherwise play this game if I didn’t care for roleplaying into a russian tank in a BT-7 1941 in Moscow?
Why would I play a fcking game that is centered on historical battles of ww2 otherwise?


Cycled campaings as in season like the other big online games is the option that could’ve worked for this game.
And bot farming wasn’t bad, bots was good for the game.
THey should’ve changed it matchmaker take 2-5 players in mtaches and 5 bots as in always and game would’ve been better.
Bots fit this game, game is about squads of bots. It evens the playing field, make most players feel good and have a chance. it adds to immersion of game, most dumb bots follow orders and just do standard shiot and nothing too wild, while the few players in match do the outlandish building spawns and nukestrike, full auto AR Squads and mines enemy spawns etc, so bots was good for game.
Only thign should’ve changed was matchmaker trying to get just few players both side.
ANd as I said Season of War to get rotation of campaigns is the way to go.
to populate and lower chance of burnout.
That way most play for a time being on the current campaign, but if you like you can play any other you like just hope a few others feel like to or just enjoy more bots.

‘‘Game is still in open beta. Put your big boy pants on and be patient. This was a major change and stuff will need to be revised’’
Game is not in some open beta, game is finished already years ago they just adding content.
THey call it beta to be able to put that stamp there and get away with shit deciscions and bugs since they can claim, not finished product.
Same was WT. One day they decide to call it WT went out of beta and was finalized, day came and went just like any other. It’s just a a stunt.
‘‘put your big boy pants on’’ who even use that expression? you man up and start thinking for yourself.
Game is shit cause they went shit direction with development and ‘‘update’’ of game and that’s why it sucks

the only improvement that is really needed is an undoing of this annoying new system. They had a game with the choice of multiple scenarios and remove it for this crappy new system where we barely have any influence on the map we can play. And what’s with the nonsense that you can only have 4 infantry squads active, it’s stupid to have to change quads all the time. enlisted really isn’t fun anymore since the update, the matchmaking is just as shitty as before, but now I have no real choice where I want to play and have to spend even more time in the menu with unnecessary micro management. this update was crap.


Could we have a Mark when we are on the filter squad to see if this squad as already unlock all his techtree

Im new to game a couple weeks in,about equal play of each new and old…I feel this new system is to hard on new players and isnt as much fun…For starters i think bf1 should stand alone and be bot filled if needed to learn,2 and3 ,4 and 5 together three battle tiers two main ones…if your outclassed to much is no fun with fast uneven matches,i dont even want to try for tier 3 i accidentally enetered once with br3 equip never mind spend money now.

For example?

Before I answer have you played war thunder?

No. Seemed too grindy

This year in June people from all platforms decided they will review bomb war thunder and let them know they are not happy with gaijin. This forced gaijin to make necessary changes to the game after many years of complaints. The changes which should be in the game from the very beginning. They reduced the grind for RP and increased silver lion income alongside many positive changes. They are still rolling in updates to fix those issues. This is just a short version. Because the full story will take real long.


Beautiful. Well done.

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Given that they are offering new sets without taking into consideration our opinions on this gameplay update…

I’m not the type to fight against mountains…

By going with Post Scriptum, I’m not risking anything and I’ve just learned that the studio has been bought by Squad, so let’s let them fight within themselves for the power of the III Reich :wink:

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Screw this, if ur a veteran do not u will not be able to recover them again

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Darkflow, where is the soft rule?

Why do we have Tiger 2s on the streets of Stalingrad?



Yeah they are right game play has gone to shit espicely in solo queuing witch i have to do now cause all the people i played with have not been on in over a week cause of the merge.

on top of that the now full matches being defender is 100% lost game now. cause no one will stand in the point id rather have bot teams cause i can say 100% i would rather have them as my teammates when solo queuing in to a defending side in a match. most players dont seem to under stand you defend the point by having more people in it then the team trying to take it .

NEW Enlisted is 100% full downgrade from the old game. fix the game change it back. OLD Enlisted was better. CAN NOT RECOMAND GAME TO NEW PLAYERS AS IT IS!


cause Gijin screwed up a good game and made it more war thunder and it going to die if they don’t reverse course whole sale.


I wanna choose what maps I want to play on

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seeing them in moscow now