Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

Im new to game about a week in…from a new view i liked both games but it was a headache to relearn…Now im set up again and seem to be better off then before but im getting slaughtered now i had a 60+ per win rate every map,now im 13per…if i was new it would be worse,and it seems hard to make head way with a loss now kinda discourageing…it seems like theres way more seal clubbing now,its liked im mixed in way outa my skill lvl…i kinda liked the realistic weapons per area and time period…just a new guys first views…


oh i swear one of my squad have max the upgrade but other didnt for some reason but i will check to see what i can sell and hoping that it wont affect the weapon upgrade/sale bonus

Stalingrad again.


Im new to game about a week in…from a new view i liked both games but it was a headache to relearn…Now im set up again and seem to be better off then before but im getting slaughtered now i had a 60+ per win rate every map,now im 13per…if i was new it would be worse,and it seems hard to make head way with a loss now kinda discourageing…it seems like theres way more seal clubbing now,its liked im mixed in way outa my skill lvl…i kinda liked the realistic weapons per area and time period…just a new guys first views…


yea me too im also there since apparently im doom to be stuck in stalingrad hell except now it not so hellish and i know pretty much everything in stalingrad

still tho i feel like the US give the most score out of all faction even if it hellish to play and encounter people who have no clue there are playing against real player


I might have missed some of your earlier posts for context, but they announced BR 3-5 would see Stalingrad the moment they changed to the BR system. (almost 3 weeks ago)

Ok that’s fine but 80% of my matches are in Stalingrad now which is just weird something is wrong.


dont know what to say. Theres like 50 maps in warthunder and even there it feels like you play the same 3 or 4 maps on repeat


yea i remember getting the island map and that city map all the time


Same, I think I never had any maps other than stalingrad when playing in the eastern front, regardless of the Battle Rating.

War Thunder has map rotation and most maps are tied to specific battle rating.


Would also like to see improvement on Silver gains, or if anything give premium account holders a boost to silver gains like WT has


yea anything that gain silver would be nice since each match give like 600 silver which is barely anything

Nope, Im not gonna sell my squads.
They are very useful to create different tier squads presets.
Like I can have completely different sets of squads for T2/T3/T5. Without needs to change squads equipment again in case I want to play different BRs.


Also WTF KV1 is in T3???
How come T1/T2 german tanks are able to deal with it.

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And what’s your solution? Putting KV-1 on BR4 to face Panthers and so?

yea tbh at first i wasnt on board with the whole kv1 in br3 but now it doesnt really matter since soviet br3 is decent but german have better player so kv1 really isnt that problematic

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Well I guess it will be deserting and deserting and deserting until I have a playable battle today I lost 9 points it had never happened I never played and I lost all the battles I played I had to desert 5 times in Pacific and twice in that shit in order to capture points a b and c that It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, that’s why I’m going to play Fortnite like a headless chicken and run like an idiot at gunshots.
Honestly, fuck off, the game is a cancer since yesterday, it’s shit.
They made the best game ever and turned it into unplayable crap.


Waiting for the QoL fixes to come.

So far, I’ve spent 5 h or so of clicking JUST to set up soviet lineups, and I’m still not done yet!

Give U.S Force this 2 tank quickly for the balanced, this 2 tank have a chance to compare with Tiger II

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You should add a filter when entering a game, to select which campaign maps you want to play.

It’s not acceptable that i cannot play Moscow if i am Russian with BR5.

Why we cannot play all maps, or at least select the ones we want with a filter?