National Resistance Day in France

Even after the German army had entered Paris, many Frenchmen declined to obey the invaders and enlisted in numerous resistance groups. These brave people created diversions and covertly fought against the Germans throughout the entire war. On May 27th, the entire France celebrates the heroism of its citizens who refused to be broken and conquered.

From May 27th (13:00 GMT) to May 30th (13:00 GMT) complete the tasks and receive the Resistance Awards.


Using this event’s awards, you’ll be able to change your soldiers’ appearance, give them unique call signs, and recruit new people into the Resistance.

Changing your identity is a vital skill for a resistance fighter.

Orders for appearance change

Orders for appearance change

You’ll receive 2 for each completed task

Orders for call sign change

Orders for call sign change

You’ll receive 1 for each completed task


Silver orders for soldiers

You’ll receive a set of 5 for 6 completed tasks


The tasks have to be completed in “Squads” mode. You can work on completing all the day’s tasks simultaneously.

May 27-28 — eliminate the target

Act precise and cold-blooded. This day your targets aren’t numerous, but the enemy is sure to feel their loss.

  • 3 melee kills;
  • 15 headshots;
  • 1 victory in the “Battle for Normandy” campaign.

May 28-29 — supply your group

The Resistance cannot survive without a dependable supply. Help your allies: build ammo caches, fortifications and stationary guns.

  • 20 uses of your engineer constructions by your allies;
  • 30 kills from a bolt-action or semi-automatic rifle;
  • 1 victory in the “Battle for Normandy” campaign.

May 29-30 — do damage

It’s time to come out of hiding and go in guns blazing: cause as much damage to the enemy as possible!

  • Finish the battle in TOP 30% of your team;
  • 50 kills;
  • 1 victory in the “Battle for Normandy” campaign.


This event’s tasks are counted simultaneously and can be completed even in a single battle.

Vive la France!


Guys. We are experimenting with tasks and prizes. Do you have any interesting ideas about what to add to the prizes of future promotions? Write!

And further. How do you like the ideas of such unusual newsbreaks?


You guys should really rethink about your event rewards, who care about a silver order really?


You guys should really rethink about your event rewards, who care about a silver order really?

We have several types of promotions.

Small (they last 1-3 days) and the reward for them is a nice and useful bonus. In their composition, orders look correct.

Large (these are marathons for 7+ days) in their composition, we are preparing unusual weapons, units, vehicles and other valuable rewards.

We want to create interesting events for you often - at least a couple of times a week, but we can’t regularly distribute equipment and units - we just don’t have time to create so many. :slight_smile:


Squads, boosters, 5 silver orders, maybe some exclusive vehicle, swords, knives with some design thingjs like that
What worries me is to know if they will only add 1 level in Moscow and Normandy


OK. booster is a good idea. We will use it in the next promotion. It will definitely come in handy after the update - for new campaign levels. Thank you.


How about orders for:

  • Adding a star to a soldier
  • Adding a star to weapons

nice for adding a star to weapons.we are lack of copper orders for weapons.


Frankly, I would be happier to receive about 30 copper weapon cards than silver soldier cards. There are more than 1000 silver soldier cards due to the endless loop of BP. Thanks.


I agree that “consumables” or expendable rewards such as 1-2 orders don’t look exciting at all.
If it was something like 50 bronze weapon orders, maybe it would be worth it.
But even better - something that will stay: carved knife, tank decal, special soldier helmet, unique weapon skin - nothing crazy but memorable like “hey I remember I did this thing for France day”.

PS still pissed about the 8 to 10 day switch, missed on the weapon gold order.


silver weapon>silver soldier


We will definitely do this.


Hey there Mr Fox, why not answering on the Russian part?))

Seams cool and accessible. Will play for sure.

Consider an acchievement on the profile tasks that stays forever with the player as a unique mark stating that the player did said event and compleated all the tasks with some reward

(like current 29 achievements that are still so little)

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Btw tonight have new dev?

Congrats on making first event i will not even bother to complete.

How about 0.5 bronze order reward for event.
I mean i can get silver from daily box, this seems like a poor joke and attempt to cover up another power creep p2w garbage that’s coming to FREE TO PLAY campaign. You really overestimate how much people will put up with this garbage.

Every new player i play with i already put off by grind, separate factions and campaign, and i don’t even have the heart to tell them that’s not even half of it.

You are losing 80% of new players after few days.

Maybe someone in marketing should let You know it’s easier to keep old customers that to get new ones.

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The cosmetic cards are great but the amount just be ajusted with how much costumising soldiers costs.

But yeah ressources are always great.

Maybe some small things like knives and othe shharp objekts would be good, you could even reuse them like the swords, so the amount of work you invest is worth it.

On special ocasion maybe even gold orders. We now have 5 campains but still only get 1 order from the battlepass, so maybe the amount of them can be increasd trough these events.

Maybe tracer color choices for your guns
Nothing spastic but various shades that you could pick with your token


Those are good too
Maybe squad respec token as well
You know, the one that lets you rechoose one of the squad composition choices


The flask could also be decorated. Once it’s in.