Myrm1dons All Nations AIR Balance and Revamp!

Thanks mate. Its encouraging to know a good deal of the ones i thought worthy of mention are already in the files

And thanks @ErikaKalkbrenner …been a while since i checked your list. Time to browse again

i mean, iso already posted them all of them here so :slight_smile:

aside from some E8, jumbo 76, AEC, panther F, and few other vehicle, there isn’t much new.

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Honestly been a long time :slight_smile: i seen it, they still arent ingame, i forgot


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Can’t wait to see this beauty back on the battlefields of Enlisted.

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If you really want to debate covered ground…

But it was considered and deemed Moot/Irrelevant.

Because: This exists in the game as it is now, and is nothing to do with the suggesiton

You can “already” spawn camp plane spawns, Infantry rallys (Hello AP Mines, or Long Range HE spam), Tank spawns (the second they spawn), paras can be shot out of their chutes. Thats how the game is. Just because you spawned something, doesnt mean you are going to get to use it. Many of these scenarios you have to trade “time” for relative safety (spawn further away, take more time to go around etc).

All you can “guarantee” is what it is “possible” for you to do (Which is what the tests show). Not what someone else can “potentially” stop you from doing. (and I have never been shot down At spawn on the Carrier…seen lots of pilots get blown up BY AA trying)

You just said it yourself “unfortunately”. This isnt the mess hall where we talk about “How the game is”, this is where we make suggestions to better “unfortunate” realities.

I suggest you put your energy into trying to add to suggestions to try and make things better.

The whole point of many of these suggestions, it to try and remove these tactics from being “necessary/meta”…there are other changes that need to be made aswell for a better game (like spawn locations, capture times, capture lockouts etc), but you have to start somewhere .


Currently, a high-altitude aircraft operating at a speed of 600 takes approximately 40 seconds to complete a standard bomb release.
If you choose to take off, you will arrive at the battlefield at low altitude in about 1 minute.
Even if your plane successfully arrives, it will lose sight and dive angle due to insufficient height.
Attack with the risk of being shot down and self-destructing
Or do you want to spend 2 minutes raising it to the standard height and then drop bombs on the lost stronghold?
Maybe the enemy is already on the way to the next stronghold at this time.
So my conclusion is
Your enemies will thank you for the late bomb

To me this stood out from the previous discussion; and so it brings this issue

Top tier aircraft at BR5 are apparently increadibly deadly, but consider that theyre nowhere near their actual power level. Tu-2 with 3x1000kg bombs, or F-82 with 2x500kg, 10x HVAR and 14x 50cal HMGs. These aircraft have enough firepower to loiter for 2-4 attack runs before rearming.

Do I want these cool iconic weapons ingame? Everybody prob does; does it completely screw up current meta?? OH god yes. Important trade offs need to be included to make these craft solid options of play but also not completely broken. I dont know an air player who does not want to have a more realistic air play experience. Hence my short coding suggestions in the meantime on the previous thread and full support here for airfield play for air players.


Also incredibly fast and climb alot better. Testing was purposefully done with the “slow” stuka.

Things really ramp up as you go up in tier. Not to mention at high BR low altitude high speed attack runs are very effective

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If you really had to you could still provide air spawn with airfield rearming for lower tiers. I personally DONT think its necessary; Were dealing with arcade flight modeling from war thunder, landing/climbing is all still buffed vs realistic WT models.

At BR 5 were dealing with massive payloads and very high climb/flight speeds (700kph, early Jets really). Farther airfield distances for high BR maps would be a way of balancing I could see happening.

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I think air spawn at speed 50 meters above runway is an acceptable compromise for lower BR. (Really not needed at high BR IMO)

Also i had intended for air re-arming to stay aswell, perhaps further back(for the time being, only taking off required on spawn)

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Agree, these details honestly are simply balance/ game state dependent.

For me ( and I presume most players) ability to repair, rearm at an airfield is much more immersive & intuitive than flying to a imaginary air ship :sweat_smile:

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For sure!!! Really want the chance to repair!, your heart sinks when you see an oil leak after you have just won the skies :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is an amazing work-up and it has my full support.


Outstanding suggestion. Especially the part about customizable munitions. Every individual soldier is tied to a specific a BR based on their weapons. Aircraft could function in this same capacity as any aircraft itself is not the weapon, but rather the delivery system. Speed, durability and maneuverability may need to dictate initial BR while a change in ordinance should absolutely increase its rating. Higher lethality = higher BR. For example, a Hurricane equipped with HVARS should be in a higher BR. Anyways, great post! This would be a great implementation.


It’s a suggestion pretty much everyone on the forums (who are serious about planes) are on board with. It would greatly improve planes gameplay for everyone, right @Shiivex @EdVanSchleck cough cough…


:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: Give me a resume


I really should tag that in on the initial post! I made a comment about that further on and it makes sense.

Thanks for the feedback!


Of course!

@Myrm1don give the man a resume :stuck_out_tongue: (lol I’m such a dick)


lmao :wink:


To sum up:

Apart from the Major benefits listed in the OP, I noted the main reluctance was on misunderstanding.

The “Biggest” thing that needs to be understood about Airfileds and the effect on gameplay (and the part that is perhaps not easily grasped) , is that it is the “Equivalent” of adding a “timed lock out” on planes , “Without” actually locking people out, or having to wait in the respawn menu. It is a “Delay Mechanism” that can be adjusted.

In essence it does the “same thing” that shifting the air spawns back further does, except with more upsides! Its all about delaying.

Air Resupply still exists for use “After” the initial take off (no need to land to rearm)

Additional Benefits on Gameplay:

  • Removing spawn delay at the start of the match
  • Provides a Safe Area with AA to protect the spawn Area
  • Provides a much-needed place to repair for the harsh effect on performance damage has
  • Makes Crashing or being shot down more meaningful (you must start on the ground)
  • Makes Suicide cycling way less efficient than rearming
  • Provides tankers and Infantry relief from CAS Air spawn cycling (revenge bombing/shooting down)
  • will allow you to de spawn aircraft, without losing tickets.

Adjusting the Delay Mechanism:

Airfields can be adjusted in differents ways to tweak the time delay:

  • artifical catapult on runwayand hook on runway (bring up to speed faster, and to slow down for turnaround)
  • Airspawn for slow heavy aircraft 10 meters above runway
  • Distance from play Area

This is about as simply put as I could :slight_smile:

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