My view on recently introduced preorder bundle

Rocket artillery is nothing but cheap bait to sell premium squads. That’s obvious.

And as we all experienced many times already, it is going to be transformed into some useless gimmick few months after release.


Because everything that makes some kind of boom is tagged as so called “spam” by certain very loud individuals.
And they will not stop complain until this new rocket artillery is going to be zero threat to them as well.

Thus I recommend to buy these squads only if you are interested in scoped semi at BR2.

And for moderators, this isn’t rant post nor attempt to create flame wars. So I hope my view is not going to be censored again. I just want to share my opinion.

PS. Both decorator and avatar are of the weaker and less interesting ones imo.


What makes you think that “they” are the loud minority and not you? I’m just curious.


I also think they will end up like flame bombs or paratroopers. They will either be useless from the very start or then they will be OP as hell and they will be nerfed to the ground.

I wont be buying it as the devs said that rocket artillery will be available for future event squad


Yes and Im pretty sure event squads will be 100 percent more interesting at least I hope so and something I actually would like these event squads to use bolt action rifles I think we only had 1 squad with BA rifles and that was Japanese squad with flags

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japanese paratroopers also had bolties but 2 squads still aint much. I also hope for something interesting rather than retextured guns

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I’m guessing they’ll last at least 2 months of normal use
Then it will be weakened by the protests of crybabies and monkeys.

All I said is “loud individuals”. I haven’t mentioned anything about minority/majority. You can have hordes of loud individuals. Numbers makes literally no difference. Because I just specified the main cause of the nerfs, that’s all.

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certain vely loud individuals” imply you think about very specific ppl.


there must be a secret formula that we don’t know about.

like, i guess they are pushing it by putting some weapons along side because the mechanic it self wouldn’t have been that interesting alone ( and, another common outfits used in ww2 too ).

it’s… so confusing.

like, why.
just… why

unless i’m wrong, which i can always be, do they really expect people to buy it in bulks?

i dunno.


p.s… it appears the news thread it self is among one of the least liked too.



This is absolutely obvious. But it has nothing to do with the point of this topic.
I just needed to justify why such change is quite realistic and expected.

Of course, I know the most vocal proponents of a such view. But their number or who they are is completely irrelevant.
But they’re for sure loud individuals.

Soviet radio operators will be very good in BR 2 - they are worth the money.

German radio operators will be decent in low BR, but useless in high BR.

I do not play low BR, so neither are for me.

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upon looking back, i guess it can be useful to deal with non br II / III threats.

but… they will be camping outside your playable area so…
and you have to be very lucky that your opponent wont just… you know, drive away because of a big circle an omminiscent sounds.

i’m afraid it will just be a gimmicky introduction.
( soon to be nefed too )

still, i find it bad that it’s locked behind prem and event squads.
why can’t it be like ampoulettes & heavy mgs research able for other squads too?


I agree with Adam here, but he is the definition of a loud enlisted forum user (which is nothing bad. Every player should share their opinions on the forum)

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My thoughts… Paratroopers treatment awaits them :neutral_face:

I’ll just wait and see.

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Too early to say. Only a few premiums have gone sour over time, so I’m taking my chances with these squads. I’ll use them till the nerf bat swings and they can join my re-modelled Panther in the barracks…

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Im just going to repeat the same i did with flame bombs. Get the event squads first, then if they are good get the premium later at “that time of year”.

P.s i didnt end up buying the flame bombs

But that russian squad is flame trooper tier (if i got any it would be that one)

  • br 2
  • scope for non sniper
  • semi auto
  • radioman
  • can take another weapon

German squad got short end of the stick


Yeah, agree 100%.

Sov squad would be very interesting even without rocket artillery gimmick.

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If its OP, I will cry and complain here, as you should aswell.

There is zero reason for these squads to be able to fight tanks AND also be better regular artillery.

I don’t honestly think that this will be all that much of a problem, since artillery has been rather weak compared to beta times - still it has its use and since it is a zero risk mechanic, it is very effective the way it is.

Honestly, I dare to say that regular artillery already should be able to destroy tanks, because it will probably still not be a great anti tank tool because tankers will have more than enough time to move out of the arty strike circle - however, just like in warthunder it forces tankers to move out of a position, functioning as a areal denial mechanic, which is exactly what it should be doing.

If people ask me, I would have made the new rocket artillery arrive faster and have a smaller circle, functioning as a quick precision strike, rather than a longer barrage.

Plot twist: event ones are Japan and allies :laughing: (maybe)

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