MP40=M1A1 in Tunisia?

In Tunisia, Both MP 40 and M1A1are Level 14 SMG.

But there’s a huge difference in performance between the two SMGs.

M1A1 is Better than MP 40 in Everything but muzzle velocity.


32 rnd Magazine (9×19mm)

Dmg : 5.7

Muzzle Velocity: 400 m/s

RPM : 450 ~ 500

Reload time : 2.3s

Weight: 4ㅏㅎ


30 rnd Magazine (11.43×23mm / .45 ACP)

Dmg : 6.8

Muzzle Velocity: 265 m/s

RPM: 550 ~ 600

Reload time : 3s

Weight: 4Kg


M1A1 is far mor Superior than MP 40.
Faster RPM, Stronger Damage etc.
MP 40 dosent fit the level 14.

Both of the guns are at Normandy.

MP 40 unlocks at lv 9, while M1A1 unlocks at lv 27.

To make this back right, Either Mp40 or M1A1 needs to be replaced.

Beretta M38

Beretta M38 may not be that matching with M1A1,
But at least it would be much more Better than MP 40.

40 rnd Magazine (9 x 19mm)

Dmg: 5.7

RPM: 550 ~ 600

Muzzle velocity: 400 m/s

Reload time : 2.9s

Weight: 5.2Kg

It still be wont that good than the Thompson,
But it at least will be much better than MP 40.

But there is one thing sure, M1A1 musnt be in same rank.


I dont think there’s anything else to replace M4A1 (cmiiw). So they better just change MP 40 with beretta M38.


maybe owen smg??

Actually it is the exact opposite given the stats you listed - the MP40 is better in every respect except 1 - damage.

  • much higher muzzle velocity seems to be discounted for some reason,
  • shorter reload time is not counted for some reason
  • marginally larger magazine.

People always use hyperbole with these things - IMO it’s not a particularly significant set of differences at all.

Never used in Africa - only ever in the Pacific. The Australians had taken their troops out of Africa before it was issued.


Tbh I think they’re both fine as is
Thompson fires faster, but the MP40 is more stable and can reliably hit things much further out
They don’t have to be mirrors of eachother


First, Muzzle Velocity??? REALLY??? is this PUBG? Why even care about muzzle velocity for the Submachine gun?? Also, It is USELESS. It is double times of Thompson, but there is no dramatic changes.

Second. 2.3 and 3 second of reload time is meaningless. It is magazine reload not a god damn ammo belt. it is no use.

Third. You think +2 magazine is some kinda of game changer? Really? Thompson can kill with 2 shots. 30 round magazine is enough.


30 vs 32 is Marginally larger? Really?
And Shorter reload is only when you reload full mag, i tnink nobody is doing that unless he is spray and praying. And everyone should reload before they go to point or in building.
Muzzle velocity in CQB doesnt matter.

And that 1 Damage is 1,5 damage once guns are fully upgraded.


Muzzle velocity is actually a big thing when the one its compared to is subsonic and slow as shit
Higher velocity means your effective range skyrockets

Well, Unless you fights over 100m, You’re right. But We fight in 100m. Average Combat range is 10-50m.

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imagine 2 more ammo is marginal while soviet have 71 round smg with less recoil :rofl: :rofl:
virtue of SMG is not sustaining firepower and mid-long range combat but fast RPM and fast ttk in short range


And 10-50m still means you have to lead less with the MP than you would the Thompson which also recoils harder and requires you to burst unlike the MP.

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Yeah - why - do you think it is massively larger??

Because YOU mentioned that muzzle velocity as the ONE THING the MP40 was better than teh Tommy gun… and then listed the stats showing that actually the Tommy gun only has 1 thing better than the MP40.

If you don’t want someone to point out the bloody obvious errors you made then don’t post them in hte first place!

Why is that relevant?

Indeed that is the average - which means there are longer ranges involved too. I kill people with SMG’s at long range when I can see the bullet drop - it certainly isn’t in every game, but if someone is standing out there and I’ve only got an SMG then why not?

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With MPs lower Damage, i woudnt even mention Magazine as something that MP has better. As those 2 shots are nothing.

But In CQB, it is meaningless to lead. Just aim and Click and enemies are gone. Done. It is simple.

If there is long range battles MP40 would be better because it can shoot easier than thompson in long range. But lack of damage and RPM is matter. thompson doesn’t give a shit. just spamming bullets and kills.

Also Thompson does have Semi-Auto that can be used for long-range engagements better then full-auto MP 40 that you have to regulate.

Those 2 shots are 2 shots, and were one of the characteristics the OP included in his comparison.

2 shots at 5.7 = 11.4 damage - that makes up for the lesser damage done by 10 other rounds at 1.1 less per round.

Probably - but the OP didn’t think that significant in his comparison!!

We didn’t even said Thompson is OP.

Stop crying Amerikaboo. It just makes no sense that MP40 unlocks in same level.

Actually, First Submachine gun has more unbalanced problem than MP40/Thompsons.


Yep, first SMG is even worse, as 20 round MP 28 is not better than Sten.

Maybe he forget, that doesnt meant those thing doesnt exist.

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“OP” means “original poster” in this context.

And he certainly think the Thompson is much better than the MP40 =

He went to some trouble to list the things he felt significant - neither you nor I can read his mind, and I looked at what he DID list.

Oh - and I got something wrong of course - RoF is better for the Thompson which is a fair point of comparison and makes 2 pretty good advantages it has.

But still the OP is wrong to say:

That’s just hyperbole and incorrect.
A good comparison would have tested the value of the differences - and I agree damage and RoF are good advantages to have, a semi-auto function is useful too, but IMO less so.

A little more ammo, higher muzzle velocity and faster reload time are undoubtedly lesser advantages in this context - but they ARE still advantages, and do claw back some of the difference.

With such a comparison IMO the OP’s “huge difference” is not huge at all - certainly the Thompson is appreciably better - but I don’t see it as such a massive difference, or problem, as the OP does.

As those guns are separated by 20 levels in Normandy, i dont see why they are here on same level.
Problems are much more visible when we take both guns in fully upgraded state. As then M1A1 have more power than M1 Carabine.