2 soldiers can pick up the thing and player is able to move with the whole MG nest (tripod + gun as one).
2nd soldier could also help reduce heat (or change ammo if we finally get it).
It would require some changes to the gun model but imo it’s worth it.
We already have this mechanic with AT guns so why not?
Imo it would be far better way to make MG nests an alternative to HMG nests than some boring, arbitrary stat changes.
The AT gun is on wheels because that’s how it was designed. The MG nest is that, A NEST. If you want a moving mg then equip a light tank or a motorcycle. Or even just rebuild a new one somewhere else.
Reason 2 is because you suggest having multiple soldiers carry pieces of it, and if anybody dies you’re going to have a weird time picking up the pieces.
All those MGs (MG34, maxim, .30) were also designed to be moved.
More over, they were designed to be moved by infantry while AT gun was designed to be moved by a truck. So if anything, movable MGs make more sense.
Then I can reply “if you want a moving AT gun then equip a tank”.
If we use this way of thinking, the game should have like 10 items.
“If you want to kill this guy, use a pistol. You don’t need a rifle.”
(Over exaggerated)
The mechanic is already in game so imo we should use it to as many things as possible. The same applies to other mechanics like mounting a rifle grenade launcher. Those features should be expanded.
It would be moved all as one, no separate pieces. (I added necessary correction to the OP.)
I wrote 2 soldiers because imo it would be easier to animate.
Sth like this:
AT can be moved by 1 soldier so it would be also possible for MGs.
We may do something similar to CoH animation of moving MG nest by one soldier.
But it looks kind of goofy. That’s why I suggest 2 soldiers.
Also 2 soldiers manning MG nest simply looks cool.
That’s all pretty fair, question is how fast do they move and at what point is it faster than destroying and rebuilding? Also MG squads are pretty close to movable MGs, I’ve set up trenches, ammo boxes, and sand bags making a decent nest and when I need to move I pack up shop and move my MG. If I don’t have as much time to deconstruct I’ll throw an Explosion Pack down and blow it up as I’m running away.
Bipods could definitely use improvement, but I’ve found them to be pretty helpful in many situations.
My biggest complaint with them is you cannot angle DOWN very well.
I use them from all stances. Prone works pretty well as far as I’m concerned. Like I said, my only issue is lack of being able to angle downward when crouched or standing. Prone is kind of understandable, but the others should be able to.
Also, on the train side of the Steel Mill map on Normandy, there are Sandbag walls with decent windows in them. I’m still trying to find the sweet spot to bipod on them, I’ve managed it once or twice, but its a gamechanging angle.