don’t think moving a “MG nests” is kinda… oxymoron? not sure what’s the proper word. it’s just not fitting.
now, if we can just build a new MG nest without having to try and deconstruct the previously built one? that would be a lot better.
don’t think moving a “MG nests” is kinda… oxymoron? not sure what’s the proper word. it’s just not fitting.
now, if we can just build a new MG nest without having to try and deconstruct the previously built one? that would be a lot better.
Well dispersion is a whole different thing. Considering it’s unrealistic because all weapons at this point had rifling. The dispersion should be very little except for the more inaccurate guns (cross mapping with a pistol could be considered ridiculous)
Also consider that while they had rifling, majority were mass produced and often had defects because of that. (My uncle has a few collector rifles from the era and the defects can be seen and felt in the performance.)
On top of that, dispersion within the game is meant to represent more than just mechanical accuracy. A person’s hands are not perfectly still when aiming and firing, and rather than having tons of weapon sway (which is something that annoys players in FPS), they compensated for that with dispersion.
Also consider the amount of fatigue a person would have in that situation. A steady hand would simply not have been a thing.
All in all, both for game balance and realistic perspective, I think the dispersion is plenty manageable.
I personally don’t mind the dispersion, I think it does add some realism but also it sometimes doesn’t…
As I mentioned in another post, I think dispersion needs to be tied in with stamina. The more drained your stamina is, the worse the dispersion is, but if your stamina is completely full, you get a little bonus (less dispersion).
This would help counter the run-and- gun gameplay a bit, but it would also bring back the stamina perks in terms of viability and popularity. Both stamina regen and stamina amount would quickly become more used, and you would see less of the ones that are currently overused.
Not only the perks, but also the flask. Rather than just being for movement, it could help with keeping you steady.
I didn’t come up with this name. I work with what I have.
Move mode is for small adjustments. Sorry but I’m not building a new MG for 30s only because I want to turn right 60°.
(Reply to all ppl who say they preffer to build a new one instead of moving. @Wieloglow @126602621)