Moscow German Counter to a KV-2?

With the next update being the “high caliber update” it is certain that large guns are being added to the game. Images of two of the largest caliber tanks of the time, the Sturmtiger 2 and KV-2, have been circulating the forum. The Sturmtiger 2 has some very obvious and exploitable flaws, while the KV-2 is a little less so.

Based on history, the sturmtiger 2 will go to tunisia and the KV-2 would go to Moscow. The germans already have their hands full with the t-34 in moscow, is it about to get even worse? Or is there something, anything, Germany could get to fight the KV-2?


No not really

The PZIIIJ and the PZIIIJ/1 will easily deal with it, since its turret is very weak


I don’t think there is. Besides, if there is even somehow a tank that can reliably destroy both the KV2 and T34 spam, it’ll still be absolutely hard because the KV-2 would predictably act like the IS-2 in Berlin Allies. AKA glorified artillery.

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maybe even an anti-tank weapon of some sort?

You mean sturmpanzer?


sorry, one can only dream


aww I already sent like a dozen good news to my friends :cry:

SU-100 and Dicker Max as premiums.

KV-2 won’t go to Moscow.

Even if it does, no machinegun and long reload, so it will be suicide bomber after the first shot.

You mean, sucking dicks and making your driver yellow with its glorious 122mm APHE?


yep KV-2 will be so much worse in Moscow though since Moscow is known for it’s open maps and also because of the 152mm HE

Though granted, the 45s reload

Which will not damage soldier while exploding right under him.
Shell damage is very random, I wouldn’t rely on caliber too much.

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yepp that’s why I’d call the KV-2 and IS-2 glorified artillery. Both have ~30s recharge/reload time and both are very hit or miss.

Though as an advice, I wouldn’t recommend shooting HE on to the floor under any soldiers or the walls near any soldiers because you’d be better off directly hitting the soldier for some reason.

EDIT: Yeah, for some reason 122mm APHE sucks like hell. You’re better off camping and lugging HE

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Yes I know, I play this game, like, since the start of OBT.

Still that’s very random with reload that long.

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Just hide from it. This is a infantry main game. When I using PzIVs finding enemies have T-34s, I just hide from it and focusing on infantry. Sometimes that T-34 will just ignore you too. If T-34 takes me out, I may just go kamikaze.
But I doubt how infantry can deal with it. Explosion pack may not work well dealing with KV-2.

Theyll probably do the 1940 version for enlisted to get the MG

No kidding, let the 8.8 cm FlaK be used, not as a decoration on a map.
I don’t want to see new players being slaughtered by the KV-2.


Well. The devs at least said they wont introduce KVs to Moscow. My take is that they will introduce it in SG.


As premium tank

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Slaughtered? This thing is meme, big, slow, no MG depending on the model (this one doesnt have one) and longreload time. KV1 would be more concerning

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