More veichles for Germany part 2

In a post I made a while back,I suggested a few veichles that could be added to germany,and this list is an exapnsion of that

Original post:

Elefant,BR5 TD
It would be a BR5 TD worth using,instead of a glorified casemate panther.It trades the versatility of the KT for more armor,but is still vulnerable to bombs.

Sd.Kfz.251/21,BR1 SPAA
It would be more along the lines of what the M13 is,trades damage for volume of fire with thin armour,it would be a nice alternate from 20mm SPAAs.

Waffenträger,BR4 TD
This one may be a bit controversial having a Pak 43 at BR4 (and I dont think this one’s going to get much support for that sole reason, but lets see how it goes anyways :man_shrugging:),but there are a number of reasons this could be justified for a few reasons (with this vehicle in particular).The main reason is the fact that 98% of BR4 matches are upteired,as well as the fact that it has paper thin armour and open top,which allows almost anything to penetrate it (50 cals probably can,dont know the pen stats of it though so don’t take my word as truth),the tons of ammo scattered in the tank make any penetrations very likely to explode the ammuntion and kill the tank.Another thing that could justify this would be the slow speed and lack of machine guns for defence.


Imma snipe all them heads (with irons of course cause I don’t use Snipers)

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Yeah,the open top does kind of allow that,but be prepared to have an 88 coming your way lol

30-06 vs 88mm HE? I’d take that fight
“Nah I’d win”


my favorite vehicle in this list.
but this one it’s more in br II/III territory because of being a meatgrinder on infantry. which unfortunately it’s where it will be used the most. and hence reducing it’s performance by just adding deploring overheat mechanic to it’s guns.

anyway germany has the 20 mm at br 1 already.
worth to mention, the crew is less exposed compared to that one.

open top, no coax, and slow as hell with horrible angles.

if anything… either a premium, or event vehicle. because i feel like, it does not bring much on the table, and would be an okay sidegrade for those who wants one. without being a chore in the TT.

as for the elefant, i would really like to see it as TT br V TD
because they lack those. ( although, i can see it how it would be kinda overkill on the western allies )

and due to being iconic and actually have a coax, i fear it’s going to be premium.

but we’ll see.