More Silver Orders!

I’m expecting bronze orders.
Apparently, depending on the weapon, there will be different compensation for the details?

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Is the number of silver cards required to exchange high-level weapons still the same as it is now? For example, weapons after level 20 require 3 silver cards to exchange. :thinking:

I know that’s what devs told themselves about Battlepass, Challenges and Daily Login.
Which is why am worried if they miscalculated again, hopefully not.

I did get 8 silver troop orders (+3 from achievement) over the last 28 days (14 Oct-11 Nov), compared to 10 (+10 from achievements) over the previous 42 days (2 Sept-14 Oct), when i was active less days a week.

Essentially, in my case, the net gain has barely changed:
2/week now (current battlepass + daily login) VS
1,66/week (old battlepass, less active)

Now, the new change will mean I could gain 3-4 silver orders a week (quick maths on my last games summaries is that 50k takes me 8 games, I play 4-6 a day).
But I am usually top 30% of my leaderboard, so I expect around 2 silver orders a week for players who play less or are simply not too good.

Not sure if 4 silver troop orders a week (filling one squad?) is that big of a deal.

as I said, you only need 3/4 new soldier per squad cause they already come with some. And you dont need to fully man up all your squad even in reserve. That’ll be a waste. i do agree it would be better if you can fully empty unused squad.

dev actually generous in this situation, as level 15 you’ll already have 16 and grinding to level 32 will get you 71 silver soldier and double that on weapon. It’s A LOT if you know. + there’s a chance you get some in daily reward and battle pass.


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those were present with the normandy premium assaulters squad ( CBT acess i believe ).

too late for you i suppose :confused:


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I can unlock soldier slots way faster than 50k xp per level, not sure what game you are playing that squads level up so slowly.

Initial squads gain levels very fast, under 5k/level for level 10, under 10k/level for level 20.
Other squads seem to go under 10k/level for most levels, and dont really go above 20k/level.

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“It may seem high” because it is.

There’s a very important point ppl overlooked (again): when you buy a soldier, he comes with RANDOM base stats. Those can be bad, meaning a 5 star soldier won’t have the perks you want in the end. So to obtain a desired soldier, you might need to waste multiple silver orders.

I won’t have this problem: I’m always on the battle pass. Free players however… good luck.


After the weapon update will we still use bronze orders for explosives, backpacks, medkits, etc.? Or are those planned to only be purchasable with silver as well?

Also, do you know if there are plans to change the vehicle upgrade mechanics?


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Ahhhh I see, sure sure … we have to pay for nice things :joy: I forgot.
Not that I would spent money on premium squads.
On the other hand if one was able to purchase “skins”, that would be more up my alley.
Thanks for the information regardless, really appreciated <3!

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And you play more than just that squad each match and gain a lot of xp from those squads as well. So by the time you have gained 10k xp on the one squad that means you will have at least used 2 other squads as well making it +/- 30k xp when lvling one squad. Only half of the upgrades are extra squad members. So 60k xp +/- (broad estimate) per extra member in upgrades. This nets you one soldier per unlock, right on time. If you go to squds that need more than 10k per level you have spare silver tokens.

Completely redundant, we dont have the academy system anymore so you have no use for 9001 + soldiers in your inventory.

That is my main gripe with golden order troopers, at least for me they have so often bad stats, it is crazy. Sure they are a “gift” but the absolute weakest of all golden orders.



majority of the people ( included me ) would rather pay for skins than prem squads…


@keofox please feel free to take notes.
People would pay money for skins!
Should make the big snail happy :slight_smile:

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well, they are aware of that.

although, cosmetics aren’t a priority right now.

and on the other hand, skins does not give you xps boosters for campaign or squad experience :x

Actually, the most attractive point of premium squads to me is their uniforms. But I dont want a trash squad since I am at highest campaign level, most premium squads are weaker than my existing squads. Buying premium squads even if they have double XP is still like buying for weaker ones.

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why i can get 1-2 silver card(soldier) each day?
why you cant?
and i have 140+silver card(soldier) no way to use .because i only play 3 lines(lvl 32,32,26 and all 5stars)
and the other 5 lines i got lvl 7 at least ,and lvl 17 at most.

Got it. Wasn’t sure if that meant things would stay that way or was merely a reference to how it works now.