More of the new Enlisted

Will it be possible to have “Ping for squad” like we have in WarThunder?

I wish we can queue up with different load outs at the same time, for example if I’m playing against new players I don’t mind using bolt-action rifles and early SMGs and paper tanks, but if I’m up against MLG sweat lord, I would prefer to use of a more advanced kit: STGs, Tigers, cancer grenades, nuclear bombers, extra.

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Thank you very much for your feedback. We will read everything and put together a selection of questions that we will answer in the next devblog.


Alternative is a skill based matchmaking, a rank system that instead of rewarding free time actually rewarded performance in battle with activity %, capture time, defending kills, attacking kills, engineer use, etc would be a good way to separate actually new/less skilled/casual players from more experienced, sweaty and veteran players.

Let’s not pretend like giving a boltie to a veteran would make him play more stupid somehow, we all saw it when every vet used the bolties after the BA damage buff, people were just cleaning squad after squad with precise shots from angles newbies didn’t knew.

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this here is absolutely true. If im using a kar98, FG42 or StG 44 doesn’t matter, I will one shot whole enemy squad with kar98, the skill, map knowledge, weapon knowledge, knowing the ballistics etc, and awareness is much more important, different weapons just mean different approaches and tactics. To let playe like me and those very top players who play like chinese goldfarmer with laser guidance and everything meta with skills and abilities theorycrafted be matched against newbies just because they quipped their squads with low techs is like shark in duck pond, not fair at all, and will be bad for game cause scare away and ruin game for newbies, and the top layers will get bored of it too.

Have fun with new progression that will still force you to unlock some weapons/vehicles that you don’t really want. I guess Community helper doesn’t even remember how much freedom WT had in the past you could research anything without tier requirements but now they force you to grind 5 if not more vehicles for higher tiers which is just awful. Yeah it’s good for majority that are unskilled but not for good players that will good anyway even if they have just single high tier gear and rest is low tier.


no it isnt. this is casual game, not competitive one. and with SBMM you are just asking for cheaters…

and there is nothing wrong with this. why should you try to shield players from skill. when first came in game i could easily play against players with thousands of battles and full end game gear and was often in top3. players will learn more by playing with veterans.

And to you it is worth slowly killing the playerbase by ruining the new player experience?

Nothing against it, but you as someone that plays way more time than me and is way more active on the community should be more worried about it.

and how it’s different from current matchmaking? at least with new MM they will fight against appropriate tier of weapons and vehicles instead going mp28/mg13/bolts vs ppsh-41/fedorov/dt-29 every match (pz2 vs t-34 too)

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And for you is okay force everyone with 2000 score at end of the battle play aganaist people who spam automatic weapons and large granade pouch on every soldier? If the answer is yes you are crazy

Forcing good players to play against good players? Damn, what a fucking crime isn’t it.

Well, let’s see how the playerbase goes after new players get bored of being killed by some guy peeking corners they didn’t even knew existed and losing matches because of rally points on places that the enemy team would cap the objective before he even got out of the last one.

As I said, nothing wrong with it I guess, I see you on the boltie matches.

Forcing people to spam meta because they find only meta player is an injustice

I dont want spam meta and i dont want play aganaist meta player

Yes it is

No EVERYONE are like you with your retarded 3 assaulter squad with ppsh and all soldier with 3 expopack and mine

Mostly like play and chill and not suffer aganaist that asshole who keep spam granade,cas,and stg44 a rotation

Well, okay I guess.

Let’s see how player retention does, but I worry you didn’t thought what will happen if the income/retention of new players isn’t enough, you either will play against our beloved bots or the “BR” will be compressed and you will still be forced to play against “spammers”

Ok two points from me:

  1. Please consider full wipe before this update. Game is relasing so its justified. It will be fair for evryone - and of course some unique rewards for beta “testers”, gold refund for purchases, and maybe even some boosters depending on how long someone spent in game. Like +300% EXP for few hours. New progressions sounds exciting and actually experiencing it from beginning should be also exciting - at this point most players would have unlocked most of late stuff (from Berlin, Normandy etc).
  2. Im worring about this soft rule. This measn once you upgrade your squads you wont gonna see Moscow maps? And only way to play Moscow on more regular basis will be stripping your squads of good weapons?

I like what I see.
I guess soft ruleset was the best idea.


Thank you for listening to the feedback about the historical aspects of the matchmaking.

I will also suggest if you are looking for higher punishments for deserters, can you at least add some way to filter maps? I dont want to leave games but id rather suck start a shotgun than play Manor invasion

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This dude lol, we spent hundreds of hours (or more) to farm our stuff it’s unfair for us to get everything wiped off, i would quit instantly because i don’t want to start from zero again. If you hate veteran players and want us gone you should just say that, however without our support (especially monetary) Enlisted wouldn’t exist anymore.
aris laugh


how terrible, Do you really think the problem of deserters will be alleviated by simple tougher penalties, seriously?

Many deserters desert to avoid extremely tired game modes. Stressful modes such as train escort and confrontation. They ask for too much time in one game.

Present Enlisted does not have permission for users to reject these modes in matching.

If developers simply strengthen punishment without a choice in matching, this will provide an unpleasant experience.

Nobody likes deserters? yeah, but developers must know this fact. Nobody likes forced matching. present enlisted matching has forcing stressful game mode to many players.

so, it is an urgent priority for the devs to present choices in matchmaking, and if the devs are afraid that a lot of users will avoid certain game modes, I think it’s better to keep the unmodified punishment.


yeah a preset map to check mode like you say train escort and confrontation. Like you have 1 hour free time and maybe don’t want a 2 hour calif cave village confrontation. it would be very much a QoL


Beta and Full releases are just excuses for marketing and removal of any criticism see “it’s just beta it’s not finished!” (except it’s not a valid excuse since they been selling packs for real money for a while) and launching ad campaign everywhere to grab as many players as possible see “we are finished all content it’s super polished come play we have no bugs we promise”.