More customisation orders? Or lower cost?

Now that we have customisation in more campaigns i realised that the orders we get aren’t enough to cover the extra campaigns that support it.
Sure, you can use gold but here’s the thing… a custom soldier costs ~600 coins, a 7 member squad costs 4200 coins (~42 euros). This price is close to the one for a premium squad and you don’t even get a unique weapon.
From my point of view i think players should get enough orders to be able to customise at least one squad per campaign. Right now we only get enough orders to customise a few soldiers in just one campaign.

So what do you guys think? more orders or a lower order cost/ customisation?


I don’t get why cosmetics require gold when there are the customization cards from the battlepass. Plus it’s an FPS game where you rarely see your soldier. Seems like a cheap cash grab

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it can help disguise a squad as smth else less of a threat. Take the assault squads from Moscow, they have a blue hat and a grey coat. You can see them from a mile away, but throw a generic green uniform on them and they blend with riflemen. Or the MG squad from Stalingrad with yellow coats, etc

Making the certain pieces unlockable, like in warthunder on vehicles upon achieving stuff, would be a good option.
EDIT: example would be - achieve 25 headshots with this soldier to unlock a special cap for this soldier.
Though, I think it may be 2500, since kills are more numerous in this game than warthunder.


Ya, I was actually just playing Stalingrad and some of the germans were blending in so damn well. Hardly could ever see them until I saw the muzzle flash

Yup, having every single one behind a paywall is a pretty disappointing practice


Higher the price of articles with the cards. Ban cards from being obtained and send such Options to the store only.
Once bought, it can be reused inside the campaign on every soldier and squad. I don’t care to pay but it must remain usable once bought.