More captured/foreign weapons for germany

Germany was,out of all the factions in game,the most know to capture and use weapons of foreign origin,as they did this with the vast majority of weapons they came across,from almost every nation they fought,and yet the only examples are two variants of captured PPSHs,one locked behind an event returning god knows when and the other available long ago to Stalingrad full access owners who got to a certain level,and the other two being pretty average BAR variants with different nationalities,one of them unavalible.below I will suggest some captured weapons/equipment to give to germany in the form of TT,events,GO,or premium,divided by the country.


after the invasion of france,germany had repurposed many of France’s weapons into their arsenal.

Char B1 Bis,TT,BR2
An interwar French tank with a 75mm howitzer and 47mm AT gun,it would be nice to see as something closer to the Grant,the cannons wouldn’t be nearly as good due to the 47mm having less penetration and a slower fire rate than than the 37mm (that’s sad),and the 75mm howitzer having again,less penetration than the grant’s 75mm cannon and a slower fire rate,for having slightly more HE filler.It would be more of a novelty for french equipment enjoyers,as the panzer 3 N will still have better infantry support value for worse AT capability.also a variant could be added that replaces the 75mm howitzer with a flamethrower,as was seen in captured german examples



B1 bis - War Thunder Wiki

Mas 36,TT or GO,BR1

another interwar French piece of equipment,this SMG has a lower power cartridge compared to other BR1 SMGs,but has a higher fire rate and a 32 round box magazine.


MAS-38 - Wikipedia

Chauchat LMG,GO or premium,BR2

A WW1 LMG captured and used by the germans,it is already in the game so no new in-game resources would need to be made for this.If a premium,it would probably be available for around 2,200 gold,and for future reference I base the prices on current prices so it’s more close to the price we see if it is a premium.


Chauchat - Wikipedia


In the conflicts that occured between the US and Germany,much American equipment was seized and used by the germans,but because they are already a faction in game,and not to get them super bothered about this,I only have one suggestion and it is either an event or premium

captured M4a2 sherman,BR3,event or premium
almost the exact same as the normal American M4a2,75mm M3 cannon,M2 .50cal,stabalizer;the only notable difference is the paint job and possibly some extra track armour on the sides and lower front plate if DF decides to be generous.If it is premium,it should sell for around 4,200 gold

M4 748 (a) (Germany) - War Thunder Wiki


during the long and bitter fight against the Russians,Germany often took russian equipment due to shortages of resources and other various reasons,which can be seen in the MP41 (r) and MP717 (r),but both are unavailable and are very unlikely to return anytime soon,while the soviets have panzerfausts in their TT.

one issue germany has is that their SMGs from BR3 to 5 are just plain inadequate (notice how I said SMG and not AR);statwise the BR5 kiraly is worse than the BR3 PPSH stick mag,and even if that thing is fixed it will be around the same level in terms of power.In order to solve this deficiency in BR4 assaulter weapons due to BR4 becoming somewhat able to be played on it’s own (since DF still wont lower the MKB and STG45 to BR4),the captured PPD 40 will be put in the TT at BR4.The russians have had their fun with good,completely free captured equipment,so its about time they get the same happen to them.The PPD 40 also is weaker than the MP717 (r), so players who bought the full access pack won’t feel as if buying the unique MP717 (r) was for nothing.

this list is open to more suggestions,so if you can think of any more it would be much appreciated,as I will make a part 2 with more nations .


One thing is for sure, almost all French things should be given to Germany


no, german have too much filling their tech tree, in fact it need get rid of lot of shitty things and clean it


The majority of it can be foldered together and it would be fine,it’s just that you have to get so many similar things with minor differences and that’s what makes it so long,especially the tank line.


i would really like some event SVT for the Germans and maybe MP-40s to the soviets.


throw in 50 round thompsons too


Give me this (Ribeyrolles 1918 automatic carbine)
It could be our Fedorov equivalent at BR5 with similar stats.

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There is also different Chauchat that could also be added

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The German TT is already the most over saturated TT in the game… this is a horrible Idea


Who says it needs to be on the German tech tree? It could be battle pass, or event, or premiums.

Greatly reflecting the very much real complexity of German logistics :kissing_heart:

While the German tech tree may be oversaturated There’s an apparent fix incoming for that in terms of grind. My biggest issue with the German tech tree is many of the items need to be foldered with other items to make room for new things. These are definitely good submissions not just for the Germans but for the game as a whole. I think most of these would fall into event/premium. And speaking of premium no squad should be above 4,500 gold due to its overpriced nature. So squad like that I would set at a even 4000.

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only captured tanks germany should get are the ones that were captured AND modified, such as the captured KV1 with a german 75mm cannon installed


It’s historical. The French arsenal was absorbed into the German machine.

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I count even just adding a commander cupola as a modification :wink:

Completely unnecessary to bloat the german tech tree with copy and paste, what should be done instead is folder all of the very similar tanks/planes and SMGs to make it more streamlined.

New content should be something unique to the tree and not copy pasted weapons, and before you mention the soviet panzerfausts again I have made a suggestion to replace them with original soviet designs. This reduces historcal accuracy but adds new content and diversity to the game, and the latter is more important with the new tech tree system.

The faction with the most weapons needs even more weapons. Ridiculous.

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It is over saturated with 10 times the same guns, something fresh is actually exactly what the German TT needs

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Germany is already a side with a lot of trophies and content from other countries. Starting from MP 34(o), Armaguerra 39, kirai 39 and ending with suomi 31