Typical Yankee, you really want a full squad of stinger?
Shielded one shot kill battlerifle with 30 rounds at br4 will disagree
only if they are nerfed stingers with 100 bullets. current stingers also need nerf to 100 round magazine.
simply no.
game should not introduce OP and/or p2w weapons/squads.
Ohh yeah I forgot about the new shielded lmg, yeah that alright, but still only 30 rds,
But still, japan has the worse weapons out of any faction they still dont have a tier 2 flame thrower, their vechiles don’t stand up to US, no assault rifles
I’d rather be a Yankee than a Brit any day of the week, you should be more Grateful if wasnt for my great grand parents and Ivans you’d be speaking German lad
and other nations dont have it also? unless you are talking about flame tanks, which are mostly useless?
cause it is not lmg… it is type hei AR with shield.
I want ptrs 41 with scope like in WAW
You cant quote a portion of what I said without quoting the rest of it, you know the part about the assault rifles and vehicles
also yeah every other faction has flamethrower 2, it dramatically increases range and its dope
ohh jesus your insufferable, w/e its called it only has 30 rds so it’s ok but not a game changer
You cant imagine how much I am laughing about your typical Yankee ignorance right now.
yes i can cause i disagreed with thing i quoted, not the rest of it.
btw cause i forgot
they have type hei AR which is superior to any AR and also US doesnt have AR (m2 carbine is closest thing to AR there)
type 100 flamethrower?
btw just so you can see stats of german flamethrower 2
btw thought you were talking about flamethrower on BR2, so my mistake there.
Quote the entire sentence, dont just cherry pick it out of the full context, or Im not gonna respond anymore
what about your brittish arrogance?
ohh my bad I last time I check japan only had tier 1 flame thrower,
I am a former Yugoslav living in Germany.
So I actually do speak German.
And every day on which I am having an argument with a Yankee like you, you folks proof me right that you are a special kind of breed.
Anyways, I guess I am a racist, so I will shut up now before I get flagged or something.
So thank you for making my day - and god bless America
Great way to kill German nation population for good. Just single Stinger in a match make it unplayable and you want 5 or more of them (realistically 7-8 since 1 squad of 6-7 + 2x event)
I’m aware of germans. What about others?
ChatGPT is not a source. It can help to get sources as example, but you still should read them on your own.
DF doesn not turn event weapons into premium squads and squads only after they made the preoder version of them.
What is “Special Forces”?
Shit idea. APCs are already the spawn beacon.
I see that you are confused about the scoped MG42. It was not issued to the infantry bipod version, but to static tripods like this.
And as you can see, the Germans did NOT put the scope ON the gun, but mounted it on the tripod. So it only works as a engineer building.
DP28 might work though it is a proto.
I saw no image of an infantry M1919 with an scope.
I dont know how that will even work.
Same here. Especially for weapons that had neither,