Monetization Ideas (New Squads / Weapon Mods)

-US MG Squad with Stingers (people would eat that shit up)
-Special Forces squad (with 3 silenced SMGs and 2 silenced Snipers, full auto?)
-APC Squad with an Engineer (A little P2W but w/e)
-Scoped MGs (MG42 Axis, DP28 USSR, M1919 Browning US)
-switch sights on weapons (not adding a scope to non-scoped rifle) EX I love open sights, hate closed sights
-Adding a bipod, bayonet, or muzzle flash reduction


I’m not aware of any scopes for those guns. Except maybe MG42 but it was for tripod only.
Can you show some? I’m curious.

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Yes add atombomb also

Rest acceptable

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Hell nah, Germany and Japan will be dead if they add that.

No APC with engineer because p2w idea will ruin games




Ngl I had no idea any of them had scopes existed until I check chatgpt
It was probably uncommon that they did, but still technically historically accurate


Yeah good points, man I love that stinger

All say “in defencive position” so probably tripods. So I wouldn’t make it a weapon as it’s complete fantasy from what I know.


You know what they say, “the best defense is a good offense” lol

I hear what you’re saying but I feel like that could still squeak by

In case of germans, sights were mounted to the mount, not the gun. So unless you want to shoulder fire the entire tripod, it’s impossible.
I don’t know how about other MGs.

Don’t make me get Al Gore to come after you

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Ok I wasn’t catching on before but I see what your saying now,

yeah idk about just giving it to Germany, I kinda like the “Germany Suffers” posts lol

What if for the DP28 & Browning when you mount the gun, it takes a second longer but you also attach the scope, would that make it work realism wise? And otherwise it’s just the iron sights?

Sorry I know a little bit about guns but It sounds like youre definitely more knowledgeable

So, quick check about each:
German GPMG’s had tripod mounted telescopic sights, the best you can hope on a gun is a big AA one.
Early Bren’s were planned to have scopes, but in the end they were deemed pointless.
M1919 is somewhat plausible, but couldn’t find a historical photo example.
And for DP, I only found modern Russo-Ukrainian war mods.

Video for Bren:

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Chat GPT gave me sources that claimed the use of scopes on the MGs,
but It cant give me the specific quotes within the source so I’ll have to find a way to get ahold of those documents and see if I cant find them manually.


TBH, even if CGPT give a source for a claim, it doesn’t mean what it says is true. Some time ago, I asked it about a specific question as a test, and it literally bent the answer to fit the presumption of the question. I also often correct it when it inevitably mixes up terminology.


100% agree, I’m already too invested into this I’m gonna try to find/pirate a copy of the source it’s referencing and see if I cant confirm or deny

YES, I don’t even want to think about how much they’d charge for the “Enola Gay” even if only had the A Bomb

A tripod mount scoped MG for sniper squad when???

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stop asking stuff gor usa they have lot already and other nations are being forgotten

BS the only faction that’s been forgotten is Japan, Germany and USSR have better weapons that US