Mods Digest: Rocket Jump

We continue to review the most interesting missions from our talented creators in Enlisted mods!

Thanks to the mod editor in the Burning Sky update, Enlisted has become an infinitely expandable game, and now you can create a unique mission or even a new location yourself, using thousands of environment objects from all of the game’s campaigns.


It’s very LOUD here! After all, it’s “Fully Armed” mode, with only grenade launchers and explosives of all kinds — from start to finish! Bazookas, Panzerschrecks, Ofenrohrs, PIATs and a dozen more ways to splat your enemies so spectacularly that you might just get some in your mouth.

Apotheosis of brutal insanity, and yet it’s not as simple as it might seem. Load!



The laws of physics work differently in this enormous arena, so, while everyone else is cautiously gazing into the endless abyss below, jump right into it!

And after the initial shock, glide towards the capture points situated on the huge floating islands. Some rocks with road signs, by the way, can push you forward (to victory).

Nazi flags… again? Well, what did you expect: these guys are famous for their weird floating crap! The location is really good looking though.



Every one of you can create your own mission, as well as launch any mission from the portal. Here’s a quick reminder how to launch one of these multiplayer missions.

  1. Choose a mission you like on the Enlisted sandbox portal and press COPY URL on its page.
  2. In the game, open mode selection (above the START button) and choose “Custom matches”.
  3. Press “Create Game” → “Mods” and paste the URL you’ve previously copied.

Now you only need to customize the options, and you’re good to go — your server is in the list. Tell your friends to come, wait for other players to join or play by yourself.


g1roscope never fails to deliver.

good job. keep it up


I feel like I don’t have the talent to do mod… What should I do :joy:

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Kind of reminds me of ole quake 2 chuck a hook and railgun and ill be in.

Its great Dev work, but not my “cup of tea”.

I much prefer the folks who try to rectify the historical oversights created by Gaijin and build some more historically accurate content.

Nevertheless 10/10 for effort and outcome.

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I think I mirror above comments, its all good and well having these modern day mods, bazooka mods etc

But to be honest I’m somewhat disappointed with your coverage, do you mean to tell me noone has attempted a Remagen Bridge too far mod, Kursk mod, or are you purposely not covering these, as you have your own versions?

New mod coverage proposal:
What about showing fun stuff like above, but also Top WWII remake / mods, most Played mod according to stats…

You used to leave comments tips from the devs to the designers of these maps, but I guess what comments can be made about a bazooka mod, or mod with building so high in space, not a lot…

What about actually highlighting a mod which could be a remake of one of your existing maps and how you are considering adding that into the base game server rotation (Berlin Hitler underground bunkers extended for example).

But appreciate you taking time to cover, not moaning, love the potential just don’t think we have even got off the ground as yet!

Us consolers won’t ever get opportunity, I’m ok with that, but at end game, custom mods have to be interesting for me to not play base game, I like my WW2 not fantasy stuff, leave that to other games.


There’s a huge problem with recreating huge and complex historically accurate maps: lack of abilities to change terrain (both height map and textures), lack of rendinsts for some things, no way to make our own custom squads, no fast way to make complex objects like trenches (every piece of trench is about 10 uses of terraforming tool, and trenches can consist of hundreds of parts), etc.

So we have what we have. Kursk is an obvious thing to make, but it should be beatuful and immersive, and you can’t do that with current tools.


It’s nice for a player’s work, but actually adding it requires long work on models. And as it’s a small underground bunker, it will be just endless explosive spam. Not very enjoyable, I think.

Technically, mod editor is meant to be used for all kinds of stuff, from recreating ww2 battles to sending ww1 soldiers into space with laser guns. For example, there’s a star wars mod for Squad, and it looks like a completely different game, still it’s amazing. Plus, mods with original ideas and fast-paced gameplay seems to be played more often.

So, if you want your favorite battles and places recreated, you can try it yourself, but I’d just recommend to wait before the actual editor update.

I will be waiting a long time, the console does not get the chance to build our own, which is fine, but back the day I remember really good mods were designed and some even because games in themselves, sadly not the same for Enlisted.

Let me think of… I tried to modify the map of Berlin to make it more realistic… 900kb 's map basically completed……took me several weeks.
Unfortunately, it didn’t receive attention either :cold_sweat:

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I think the point comes down to an audience for a millieu. If I wanted to play Star Wars, Star Trek or the Muppets there are specific games to do so, which advertise for that sort of content / gameplay.

When I read WWII and reasonably realistic, you can’t blame me for having a set of expectations which I am happy to pay for to have met.

The April’s fools dystopia is ok for some, but its not what’s advertised, and so they should not expect to be monetised for it.

Stray far enough into the psychadelics and you begin to see a revenue drain.

To be honest, there’s too many barbwire on your map. To the point where it’s annoying.

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I have begun to disperse and reduce them :rofl:
Thanks for your testing

There’s the point. Some players want enlisted gameplay be extended to new settings, like modern warfare, or ww1, or pew-pew laserguns, or whatever. And there’s, like, zero games with actual space combat. Even in battlefront it was just space fighters without any infantry.

Still it’s mods.

I will try to make something close to kursk (at least WT one), but we still need CUSTOM SQUAD EDITOR, so it won’t be another 1918 map, where avt meets m2 carbine. I think that those custom squads might as well be a part of mission itself.


Nice suggestion. I’d also expect PvE :laughing:

Not enough combined arms.

you have mods tools
so go on
and good luck

Ну так я гоуонил, вон, в посте мод висит. Только в редакторе для такого маловато функций будет, тут уже полноценно импортировать новую технику придется.

ну как бы в пользу китайской игры и против концепции большого количества бойцов и техники в космосе - стоимость так сказать “выведения на орбиту” килограмма груза

а так как по мне первоапрельский aliens vs marines показал - что всё с космосом очень хорошо - ещё поменять бы эстетику под ретро скай-фай и получается конфетка