Modern conflict event

Same here, it’s like it’s not even the same game anymore, and you can’t escape the rot it caused even if you try to stay in lower tiers.

It’s all being re-styled after cod-kiddies.


Pretty much… this game should stay the heck out of modern combat. Not only there is twice as much competition (or even more), but it just also doesn´t feel right other than having fun with full auto scoped weapons for couple of matches.


may i ask where do we leave feedbacks?

here, or on the other thread.

dunno since it’s an event to be honest.
( so i’m not sure if it goes under the normal big feedbacks thread as well because of it )


appreciate it,

i will.

Very cool event. Thank you! I hope to see more like this in the future.

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.>op as hell tanks
.>no RPGs

I love it apart that fact. I’m waiting for Afghan campaign (1979-1989)


As usual, you all are great game developers…I love it. Just please tell me you aren’t gonna mix all of this together. Keep WW2 away from modern in the future. It’s y’all’s commitment to “realistic” gameplay that many love.

I’ve invested alot into THIS game because of what it is…
Not the mix of what it could be. I would rather a separate game of modern only or even a Pacific WW2 Campaign. Im very…uneasy about it all.


Bruh…the funniest part is you don´t need them, you can literally destroy them with TNT explosion pack. :clown_face:

Before I give my feedback, I need to say this, I felt I was playing a very beta game and kind of ‘cheating on my gf’, I love what you have created with WWII and look forward to many more things we have asked for, bug fixes and would not want this to transition to a cough other title…

I am only giving feedback to help you understand, but I will reflect it back to WWII content as I already have modern army on console, a certain AAA title just out but I still play Enlisted and you have to ask yourself why… it is the game model you have created, it feels just right, gunplay, sounds so immersive, the realism, the choices you make what squads to bring, I love it all. I have also spent a lot of money on premiums on this game too, been there since CBT Berlin, so think I can feedback appropriately.

If you want me to compare this to other AAA modern wargames, well I think this is not even close, you have tried and the EL feel is still there, but it lacks something, sounds, punchy weapons, will share below.

What I like:
Ok I love the new tank models, it shows me that you can bring us our Tiger 1 easily
You tried something different to change it up, I don’t like the feel of the modern setting but like you tried you are quite innovative and creative that way.

What I don’t like:
Weapon sounds very poor, same tank sound.
T sight on tank seems to jump around on certain objects and trees, trenches (an issue in orig game too) but modern tanks would not have scopes like that, it would be electronic targeting etc
No AT soldier, so tanks dominate although trusty detpacks still seem to win through!
No AT deployments, sandbags don’t really cut it…
No modern Planes, Helis
Maps suit enlisted WWII better, triple map size and pop to cater for these speedy tanks, on that note, can we get some speed adjustments on our WWII tanks please.

Just don’t do it Gaijin, Darkflow devs, don’t dissolve your focus, I have modern games, you have too much competition (**42, PS2, CD, Ama), as much I as few rounds of this were fun, I am now going back to allies in Normandy WWII.

Please don’t spend time on other battles, flesh out and fix WWII based on our feedback, the whole of Europe can be covered, then pacific. Before going anywhere else!





I throw it on tank few times. It do nothing

tank janky en repair kit plz add repair kit

I neet this

I stopped played WarThunder, WOT and WOWS for several reasons but mainly because they all turned into an increasingly silly fantasy fest. These games all lost their WW2 focus and kept introducing increasingly silly overpowered fantasy USSR equipment.

I spent quite a fair amount on Enlisted so far, a game that is still beta.

I have done that because Enlisted has a WW2 focus and because initially it looked that Enlisted was striving to be authentic AND because Enlisted has player controlled AI squads. I have never liked the COD/BF “lone wolf run-and-gun” concept because that is not authentic when it comes to warfare. Infantry fights in squads and Enlisted uniquely offers that!

Sadly I have had to conclude that Enlisted has recently seen the introduction of silly large amount of weapons that were never used en masse in WW2, or even at all in combat and/or in Europe.

And I also sadly have had to conclude that USSR weapons in Enlisted are either clearly or borderline OP compared to their western allied/axis counterparts.

I hope that this trend will be reversed and that Enlisted will return to being authentic as it initially set out to be.

What was really used in the WW2 was good or good enough and for a WW2 game to be good I do not need “fantasy” or “prototype” or “what if” weapons. The real WW2 weapons, tanks, vehicles, aircraft, uniforms, squad equipment, squad organization etc. are more than good enough. Let Enlisted be an authentic WW2 game built around squad combat.

And do not let Enlisted follow in the footsteps of WarThunder, WOT, WOWS and become another USSR propaganda game. Do not turn Enlisted into another (White) Russian produced game that is built around OP USSR fantasy weapons, tanks, vehicles etc. like can be seen in WarThunder, WOT, WOWS etc.

And that also bring me to the “Modern Conflict” event.

A “Modern Conflict” event has no place in a true WW2 game. Do not turn Enlisted into another fantasy game that incorporates pre-WW2, WW2, post-WW2 and fantasy weapons.

You asked for feedback, my feedback: keep Enlisted WW2, keep it authentic and WW2. So more WW2 reality and less fantasy, no prototypes and no what-if weapons. And no OP USSR! And no “Modern Conflict”!

The game Enlisted does not have to be realistic and/or a simulator but the game can be authentic.

  • AUTHENTIC - “Conforming to an original and/or the real world so as to reproduce essential features”.
  • SIMULATOR - “A computer simulation (or “sim”) is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical situation on a computer under real world conditions”.
  • REALISTIC - “Resembling or simulating real life (conditions)”.

So instead of “Modern Conflict” I would rather see something introduced that is both more authentic and WW2 related, for example the proposed soldier class rework and better specialization that I suggested earlier:

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Is there any plan on releasing the game on steam?

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I think that modern warfare is to far from the game’s original theme, it’s a nice event but if it is added in permanently, you would have two separate player bases. Also, if there are too many campaigns, the player base will be spread too thinly between them.


Things I really liked, and it would be cool to see in the game:

It seems that body armor works, and you can even see bullets ricochet and spark from it. Definitely soldiers can take more damage to the body.
Automatic assignment to a squad of up to 4 players if you are playing alone.
The Barret sniper rifle is pretty cool.