Mod Editor: How to expand capture point so defending AI spread out?

I’m making a mod and my first capture point is pretty large, very open. But the AI keep bunching up in the dead center of it, one HE shell kills all 20+ defenders immediately. How can I make them spread out more?

I’m using defend_zone_chained_sphere+defend_zone_respawnbase, and in the picture attached there is the green square I highlighted where all the AI flock to no matter where they spawn, and they try to get as close as possible in that box.

You can capture the point anywhere in the sphere, which is how I want it to be, but I want the defenders to use the entire capture point, not a 5x5 foot radius in the middle bunched up. Any ideas?

I tried scaling the box and then decreasing the radius of the circle but nothing.

that’s the " neat " part…

you don’t.

hate to sound rude… but i’m starting to think AI were, and ARE really an after thought.

and the community scoffs to anyone who even dares to suggest improvements for AIs.
because apparently it’s more important making one’s faction stronger than the other.
or please gun’run types opposed as improving the game while getting more rof weapons.

and the developers too busy pumping out many more prems to squeeze more bucks ouf ot it.

but maybe i’m a little harsh here and there.
side tangent over,

as it goes for mods, we are unable to modify bots behavior.
as scripting is based on the bare boned and base entities features.

the only half baked way to make something even different ( which it will not prevent clutter )

would be to edit the squad formations distance:

  squad__membersCrawlDistance:p2=9.0, 2.0
  squad__membersCrawlOrderTime:p2=0.7, 1.2



    squad__ai_spreadForPos:p3=0.0, 0.0, 0.0



but as explained, it will not get rid of AI chickens to be in one place all at once. and get HE-d to death.

and i think it will also affect players own squad formations.

so… there is no current solution beside waiting for ages.
maybe when we’ll be 80s AI will actually be decent.

but up until then.

bots will remain to be dumb.


Thank you for the quick reply. That’s really sad that one of the biggest things that differentiates Enlisted from other WW2 shooters, the AI squads, hasn’t been improved up and still has glaring issues.

Related question, is there a type of capture point/objective zone that is the best to use for invasion-type maps? (ex. defend_zone_box, defend_zone_poly…)

it depends the overhal shape.

circular ones are often used for outdoors objective.

boxes ones are generally easier to use and often used for buildings.

poly allows you to define a specific area and use more under the same name to create non linear shapes. ( somewhat similar to battle areas for gray zone and you can decide the overhal shape to then link all of them together )

for invasion maps, i personally use defend_zone_chained_

as it allows only one team to capture, and the other defends.
like it functions over the vanilla game.

it doesn’t seem to be stable if you use different type of objectives within the same sector though.

I wouldnt say that: (plus another 36 :+1: on RU Forum)

i think a great deal arent satisfied