[Mod Editor Feature Request] Death penalty for specific conditions


There are two types of death penalty in the mod editor configuration. deathPenalty and deathPenalyByMember

Here it is the proposal to add more types of deathPenaly, for most wanted specific conditions.

  1. deathPenalyByAircraftSuicide

As the field name describe. deathPenalyByAircraftSuicide triggers when player suicide with a aircraft.

  1. deathPenalyBySuicide

As the field name describe. deathPenalyBySuicide triggers when player suicide.

  1. deathPenaly_BattleArea_Mul

deathPenaly_BattleArea_Mul is a multiply value when player death in the gray zone outside the battle area.

  1. deathPenalyTable [obj]

deathPenalyTable [obj] is an obj form that allows the player to configure the death penalty value, for specific types of squads.

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