[MOD] BFV+BF1 Russian, American and German voiceover

:relieved: :ok_hand:

In honor of patch day:

  1. German voiceover from BFV + BF1

Disclaimer: My German is intermediate so I invite Enlisted’s native German speakers to give this a try and point out some nuances, if any.
@ParaDivision @AchtColaAchtBier

  1. Russian voiceover from BFV + BF1 (version 2)

What’s new:

  • fixed clashes with Italian voiceover
  • fixed “regroup”/“cancel orders” phrases
  • added a couple of obscene phrases (it’s not a Russian army without s-ka and bl-)
  • added paratroopers voiceover

another fine work comrade :ok_hand: .


great job

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American voiceover preview.

No more “Yippikaye” and “It would be easier for us both if you just died already”.
Just “fuck shit damn get me out of here”.


do you have any plans to make a mod for italian voicelines? i know you probably dont speak it, but one of my friends does and maybe i could ask if they want to help…

nobody has made a mod for italians yet and i think they have some of the worse voice acting performance with the USA voices

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Yes, they are planned.
The next one is probably going to be UK voiceover, then Italian (studying Spanish and Latin might help) and then Japanese (the one I actually have no idea about but I could try).


BF1+BFV American Voiceover




Testing battle intro music from BF1 (6 tracks)


Awesome sound mod. Really enjoyed the change of voices and it really makes the wars seem a bit more brutal. If you ever need a Brit to voice anything extra, “I’M YOUR MAN!” Though I think the BF ones will sound pretty awesome too!

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id love if there were other ethnicities added e.g British, Australian, Italian, French, etc

British, Italians and Japanese are planned and WIP.

French aren’t worth the trouble imo with just one squad currently available.

UK voiceover might include some (Northern) Irish and Australian NPC voicelines :wink:

but I have little idea as to where those voices would be out of place (maybe Australians were never in Normandy/Ardennes) – I’m not an expert on this.

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canadians though…

also it’d be interesting to add more Asian languages as the Japanese weren’t the only people, in the imperial Japanese army

same with the Soviets

I am limited to what BF1 and BFV have and what I can find online/extract from there.

If you can send me Canadian/Filipino/Ukrainian voiceover packs, I’d be interested to check them out.

Yeah, it’s kinda shame you are limited to only BF series. I really liked the voiceovers from Battle of arms and many others different games.


But I understand the inconsistency in audio would be extremely problematic.
I am using your mod and you did definitely a great job, thank you.


those WW1 games (Verdun, Tannenberg, Isonzo) have really nice voicelines. I think the Italian or Austrian-Hungary voices from Isonzo would be very good for Enlisted

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It’s very important that the new game must have all the Enlisted situations like calling for artillery, paratroopers, medics, grenade warnings, etc. to avoid mish-mas of different volumes, accents, quality and so far BF series provides it all seamlessly.

I also wanted to use CoD 2’s German lines like “kommunisteeen!” and “sowjetische truppeeeen” but that wouldn’t work against the Western Allies.


Glad to hear that.

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I personally wouldn’t mind muted lines if no corresponding one existed.

But I understand that’s simply not ideal solution xD

that’s unfortunate, ill look for some voicelines online, i did find this

it doesn’t have all the required voicelines but most of them