MM BR range now +1/-1?

Hello chaps,

I’ve settled on what I think is a reasonably historical BR bracket of III.

Recently I’ve been seeing on my start button a new MM range of II-IV. I do recall that this used to reflect I-V previously.

If this is correct and not just a psyop cosmetic, then one of the most long awaited changes to the MM has been stealth dropped in, and I for one am extremely excited about that, because potentially I can now shift to BR IV as the median of the new upper bracket, but still enjoy all the benefits of relatively historically authentic load outs.

A nice suprise for you. Was added over a month ago

Yah I’ve been playing sporadic games but never really noticed it until recently.

The term used was “soft rule”.

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Yea it a soft rule so it sometimes will use old br rule too

I think the extra influx of players from Steam is starting to have an effect.

I played some Allies BRII last night and the matchmaking was correct again at I-III, not II-V as it has been since the MM update. Progress! :slight_smile:

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soft rule = take it with a grain of salt. :blush:

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Well, playing on the NA servers and a very firm BR2 set of squads, I do occasionally see some BRIII equipment, but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any BR4 or BR5 stuff. E.g. since the MM update, it seems the same, except less of BR3 in the matches I play in. YMMV.

I think it was just because a lot of people were playing Soviets and Axis for a time.

But yeah, Allies were getting II-V matches (Japs too I believe, though I don’t know for sure). It seems to be working better now.

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I’m still new (I started during the May sale). I play Allies about 60% of the time, Russians about 30% of the time and 10% German.

The freaky thing for me has always been, if I gear up in BR3, I’m invariably dropped into a III-V match. And get walloped. It was only from these forums that I found out people did the BR3 thing to group with BR1-2, and would just desert the higher tier.

Overall, I agree, the MM is definitely improving. I think the Devs take it on the chin a lot, and we (the community) should also give them some positive feedback when improvements are made. :slight_smile:

Yes, it is mightily unfortunate that they are restricting BR MM. Thankfully, it’s just a soft rule so I can still somewhat enjoy my BR III still

I’m currently playing soviets at BRII, but now getting BRII-IV, so it seems the playerbase has shifted somewhat.

Is it true that US and Japan still get 1-3 and 3-5 MM?

Because when I take German BR3 I see this

But when I take US/Japan BR3 I see this

So the MM keeps throwing my BR3 lineup to BR5 T20/Autohei fakeland?

soft rule was only for axis and Sovs.

they experimented with it.

It’s the soft rule they implemented. It all depends on the current playerbase and what they’re playing.

It was the same for Allies recently.


Well, I ain’t using BR3 for US/JP then until I can be saved from T20/Autohei fakeland hell.

Must have missed this golden era.

I’m not really a fan of SF rifles either…

br1 is where the fun’s at! thought br4 got really sweet semis…

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When I play with my strictly level 1-2 Allied squads , I almost always encounter level 3 weapons as I see flamethrowers almost every match, and pick up level 3 weapons off the battlefield. I am not sure how often I would encounter lower levels when I choose BR3 squads because I almost always seem to get uptiered, so I don’t even use BR3 or BR4 weapons anymore. For me, It makes no sense to choose BR3 squads when your in the BR 3-5 tier and I can’t see using an M1 Garand that is always in semi auto mode with an 8 rnd clip vs using a BR5 T20 with a 20 rnd clip that is a much better gun and I can use it in fully auto. This is why I keep saying the DEV’s are ruining the middle class IMOP.

I would truly hate being a newbie today as level one is no where near what it was two years ago when I started playing. :rofl: