Mg 08/18

Whatever, my point wasn’t even that it is “ww1” weapon and that’s why it can’t be in TT.

I just don’t see any reason why this no name weapon should be in tech tree sooner than MG-42 beltfed.

At least in my mind cause it would be lazy what’s gonna be different between MG-42 and belt fed one in the game if they add one? just ammo count and weight of the weapons and every thing else will be the same just copy and paste simple as that adding MG-34 belt fed would be better than at least 42 since 34 had different variants like MG 34 S( MG 34 S with a shortened barrel, modified locking system, improved recoil amplifier and modified buffer device. The cadence could be increased to 1,700 rounds per minute,)and 34/41( MG 34/41 achieved firing rates of 1,400 rounds/min.)


Allow me to use the traction and hijack the post.

Because I think this :point_up: would be a super interesting and unique mechanic to have. So I try to promote whenever I spot the oportunity.


Quite simple

With higher bullet count, higher fire rate.

It has been argued several times that the current version of the mg-42 is a heavy bolt and therefore has a much lower rate of fire. Well, it’s time to make the other version finally.

In my eyes, definitely better than just some another super heavy MG with 60% to 80% movement penalty

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japanese were strong…


dam didnt realize their MG is that heavy (i assume it the same type 97 mg in game? if not then yea im stupid)

No Type 97 AT cannon is 52 KG

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nah they are talking about Type 97 automatic cannon



oh ok i thought the type 97 heavy tank mg were include that why i said that

well japanese have shit naming scheme just like US.


yea that is true everything is just type (insert number)

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no problem


wait till you see them carrying type 97 tank :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s the option to choose something else that counts


That’s why I think there’s no reason to add MG that’s going to be worse than MG15 in basically every aspect. And the only difference is going to be +25 rounds. But you are going to trade that for even worse movement penalty, most likely ±65%.

MG42 belted would be a better addition (since it’s so iconic and current MG42 is very lackluster) than this WW1 MG, which literally no one who has casually studied ww2 has ever heard of. And the only way one will learn about it is by spending too much time googling ww1 - ww2 weapons.

Plus, I never said not to add the gun to the game. I literally said definitely not before the MG-42 beltfed.

I don’t want this pseudo no name MG to end up in the tech tree before the MG42 beltfed, that’s all.
Because then they could just add the MG-42 beltfef as an event/premium/GO, and argue that Germans already do have this WW1 MG in the tech tree.

That’s all.

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The Emperor lends them strength!

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We should get a 100 round belt fed MG42 early :smirk:.
Is that unique enough for ya?

I say 250 round belt and we have a deal.
But seriously, extra 25 rounds won’t mean a damn with 1200 rpm.


It should be 200, so with any ammo pounch it would be 200/200.

Which is the average round count of BR5 MGs with a large ammo bag.

Personally I’d go for 250 as it’s the most common max length of the belt I see mentioned.