Merger - currently a bad idea

I disagree about map/campaign voting

I do think what they should’ve done at first is just have all campaigns in a single matchmaking so all players are in one pool. You click play and maybe you’re in the Pacific, Tunisia, Berlin, etc

With historical accuracy I think it’s just that we all draw our lines differently. For example, I don’t have a problem with prototype, experimental stuff. But I certainly don’t want King Tigers in Moscow

Also I think there is nothing wrong with asymmetrical balance. I love seeing a variety of vehicles during a match. Stuarts, Shermans, Pershings, Panzers, Panthers, King Tigers, T-70s,T-34, KVs (as long as it’s the correct period in which they’d be together)

I have nothing wrong with KVs in the same battle as Panzers


I will give them props there most prototype/experimental weapons are either event, gold order or special prem squad weapons which gives them a place in game while respecting authenticity and limiting how many you see.

Most of the time you still see only basic infantry rifles and starter sub guns/mgs

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Lol how is it fine? This is a game, not a historical simulator. Balance is more important than historical accuracy. Having such unbalance will only scare people away.

Lol a historical accuracy player saying this under a topic that ask for historical accuracy?
OP is literally the historical accuracy players you are talking about.

Its fine because tanks aren’t the primary tool of killing tanks its the infantry specifically engineer and AT squads soldiers. And as you say its a game a tank is an easy 1 shoot for anyone that knows how to flank and use the dynamite or TNT charge. (btw the dev servers system is even more unbalanced)

Balance is an excuse people use that wana see games die. A counter approach is more appropriate.


Try Normandy Allies, where you got a 6 pdr and M9 bazooka that can’t pen Tiger and panther frontal armor.

Gray zone camping tank?

Because there is no BR in it, FFS read the news.

What counter approach do you suggest?

Do you even play the game? Whole campaigns are designed around historical authenticity. With fun gameplay being achieved by having one side do some things better and the other side other things.


An incoherent rant this is. Not everything needs to be huur duuur frontal lol pen. And if you can’t see the merger would be killing the charm of the game i don’t know what to tell you maybe you just don’t play the game and like to complain. I played bettwn 5 and 10 battles on dev server and deserted 70% of the time the camapign system allows you do have a basic understanding of where you’ll be fighting what you can expect to face and play accordingly to coutner those things.


With time travelling and prototype weapon everywhere.

Does it work? Please look at how one sided some campaigns are.

As for counters we literally have them already. Engineer class/soldier is literally the ultimate counter to any threat. planes? build AA, tanks? build tank traps/AT guns or jsut TNT/dynamite charge them, infantry? build an MG nest.


really give me examples cuz the campaigns i play are quite balanced my favorite being Moscow, Tunisia, Pacific and i have played quite a bit of normandy too.

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Lol the one who are complaining is literally you.

FFS there is no BR on the dev server, please read the news.

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Ah for time traveling and prototype weapons everywhere please enlighten me to that fact since i don’t see that many. Most of the time you see bolt action rifles with smgs and mgs sprinkled in.

BRs are a horrible idea if you can’t see it you never played WT in your life and BRs still don’t fix the issue of squads being in campaigns they should not be in.

Literally just have a unified reserch tree for AXIS and ALLIES split into campaigns with some lvl of cross progression.


A grey zone camping tank that can’t be penned frontally or been reached by TNT/dynamite.

Lol, go and have a look on the forum. People are complaining about the balance all the time .

Lol no, I played WT before, and also games that have similar system like WOT. It is absolutely better than current situation.

Lol because that is not the purpose of the BR?

Cap the obj grayzone moves and either makes the tank die or gives you the chance to rush it or again make at gun shoot tank if you disable its tracks/gun the tank is useless.

BRs are a horrible idea and whould make the game loose its charm. If the merge happens (hopefully devs will come to their senses) they might as well just remove squads and have generic unnamed squads.

Here’s one magical weapon the AS-44 model 5 not produced in large enough numbers to outfit the entire Soviet army but currently in Berlin that’s what you can do once you reach end game.

Let’s think on the bright side
World War II has been almost explored, and the merger means that it can be more convenient to extend backwards, such as following up the Cold War weapons of War Thunder.
In addition, the reality you have to face is that the battle divides the already small number of players into too few. Each battle is full of PVE, and the quality of the battle camp is determined by a small group of people.
This kind of game obviously has no future