Merge is DOA without proper BR brackets

Im afriad that would further the gap between f2p players and whales.
Dont get me wrong, people should spend some money cause servers arent free, but scaring them away is no good.

as in the slot would be for everyone. F2p will get the slot as an additional.

this slot could be used to bring “one” squad of Fedorov’s or PPSHs to Moscow for example, or perhaps a Tiger to Tunisia. Makes the equipment rarer but still present.

there would have to be certain limitations of course

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See the latest news: Important changes after the second test


I think this new change to match making is better. Not perfect, but with all the different voices, I’m not sure i could of come up with a better solution.

I really only play u.s. allies, my main concern is that we will be so far out-classed if we are locked to top teir stuff. We don’t really have anything comparable to king tigers, we have a couple good guns, but for the most part germany has much better equipment when you compare sides. I think it would be a super toxic experience to begin with, but add in the factor of not having comparable gear in some aspects it will just be miserable to go up against king tigers non stop etc etc

Im also quite a new player, just started played few months back. I quite enjoyed the progression system and working hard at the start. But a constant challenge is not good for the long term player. Which is most important in my view to a game’s health. It’s the people that stick around who really should be catered to more then the newbie.