⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

this shit is killing the game
stop comparing weapons ffs!! :rage:

i can kill all of you with a sniper boltie
and a good position

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pls return to old system with choosing the battlefield


i could kill you hidden with scope lol. realy difficult and heroic :rofl:

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another match another stomp #5. It’s impossible to defend any point it get captured in sub 10secs. It’s obvious that Enlisted was not tested in environment of 10 real players on the point and 6-9 units each.


its almost like on these shitty small maps the game only works when there is 3-4 infantry players with 1-2 vehicles players not when you have 2 planes and 2 tanks shelling the points every 15s with 6x 6+ member infa squads rushing it.

Its almost like the campaign enjoyers warned about it on dev but DF doesn’t care! (:


All i can add to this is Fuck you Dark Flow where are my premium squad refunds? i didn’t buy them to play this shit and with current match making any tier 3 squad is less than useless.


I’m trying real hard to get into the new game, but every lobby is nothing buy top tier tryhards. Took all the fun out of the game. Really disappointing.


well at least we have noobs not bots.
let them learn :wink:

This gets completely stupid! I’ve seen some Germans in Afrika Korps uniforms fighting in winter at Stalingrad. And Soviets in white uniforms in Berlin in May !
How to completely ruin a good game.


noobs driving IS-2 they will never learn

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This is the most terrible decision! The game has become generally uninteresting. Why would you do that?! For what purpose!? I’m deleting the game!


As a regular player i feel like i should give my opinion about it, i maxed out the pacific campaign before the merge, and honnestly the merge is a good idea but maybe a bit messy right now, i understand that you needed something to make the geme developpement easier, but still, i mean if there was differents campaign it was probably for a reason, i mean i played the last tank of the pacific (the m8 scott) and i just got instakilled by a tiger or a panzer, same things with squads. I truly feel like germans have an advantage over the pacific guys cause of their weapons that were not designed to be balanced with this campaign.

So my final opinion is that i understand the merge, but the campaign were so different that there were probably a reason why they got separate. Merging it all don’t make sense to me.

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Plus i’m truly hesitating to just stop the game since that merge considering the balance issue


Not gonna lie if it wasn’t for the OP ruski paras i wouldn’t play at all.
20k daily points and i close the game until next reset.

Merge is beyond horrible i hope you’re proud of yourself DF.

Will probably just reinstall RS2/RO or BF2 with FH mod and play that more fun and immersive (:


What i m saying, the same as before.

I was already convinced that this was a huge issue. Just had something like this happening

Working as intended. All i got is tier 2, so does my friend. Yet we still get put against tier 5. FKING AMAZING! WHY EVEN PLAY LOWER TIERS?! Only reason to play right now is because of this dumb event with Russian para’s. If it wasn’t for the event, i wouldn’t even be playing right now



The allies are experimenting that’s why it’s so hard to find any low level BR’s because they’re trying to find the sweet spot so they can farm the event


Wehraboos would kever do that though

At least the Germans did not have a campaign where they had their victory spoon fed to them like in Moscow

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