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I have now zero fun in those BR5 matches it’s a stomp almost every single match. Those ppl are playing like F1 race cars with STG44/Fedorov/PPSh-41 strapped on the sides, it’s no different from garbage high tier of WT where you drive with a wheelers at 150km/h. It’s physically impossible to def already stormed and camped point with 10 real players especially since after single death and respawn your point will get captured at 60%, everything is now happening at 2.5x speed. Before you move your slow ass tank your team gonna cap the point by 80% and move to the next one. Yeah game is dead unless you like rushing like a headless chicken that plays cod. Tanks? Planes? Rallies? we don’t have time for that since in a time we finish our objective game will be half over (and your rally will be worthless and so far away anyway). I haven’t installed Enlisted to play in esport league i play it for fun you know. Those matches are getting worse by the minute i thought they can’t get any worse but they do.


Stop creating fanfiction out of game balance here is your proof that shows you have no idea what you are talking about. AVT-40 is the best unlockable rifle in a game. Soviet bias is obvious.


Kiraly has a very bad recoil and Mp717 is a worse version of PPSh-41 (it’s still better than all USA smgs) Fedorov is a king of high BR it doesn’t care about your little smgs.


I took a photo of all the German campaigns and I put them all back thanks to the presets under the icon of the country Germany so I formed all the teams I had and I’m happy the only thing I don’t like is that the faction no longer fights in his specific theater

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This is not the post to fight, if you want to discuss something, use the corresponding forum sections.


Another match another short stomp. Remember those 100+ kill games? Those were a good times.Enemies held their points for about 3secs only one was held for more than 3secs (10secs)


Every single match is a toxic sweatfest. This is not enjoyable at all. My wallet is leaving and taking me with it. See ya.



Found this pretty interesting. Basically the same number of bots post merge

Except stalingrad, tunisia, and berlin. (Which i play none of)

Same here man, getting mold down by premium squads is no fun.


You cant get 100+ kills a game capping points that fast. The matches i play now are way quicker then before and can only get 30-50 kills now.

Also shows desertion rates have increased across the board post merge with the exception of normandy, which I’m guessing is because there’s only less on the german side. They have no reason to quit now being so overpowered.

Yeah every match is now 7-10mins.



Also found a weird bug with the ammo

Lol talking about as44 spam, thanks for showing your loadout. Actually got a good laugh


You gotta grind the xp and that’s the best way to achieve that. STG44/45s were given like candies in late war to the soldiers while AS-44 was just a prototype.


Thought it was funny, thats all. Nothing against people wanting to use end game gear.

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This has in part to do with event going tier 4-5 are the only ones where you can even remotely have a CHANCE of getting more than 3k score a game and even that only by spamming planes

The several games i played i found it to be the opposite, had to jump into low tier. I play u.s. though

But yeah the grind got so much worse post merge. Was supposed to be less grindy, will take literal years to unlock everything at the rate its going

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see i mean for event where points is all that matters and no matter the tier or nation US planes just dominate everything and with para spam taking out a para plane wiht all paras on board is easy 500 points. If you take out a ‘‘bombing raid’’ that’s 1000+ points