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Federov is better than STG IMO and bellow BR 5 USSR has generally better tanks and excellent guns.

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Federov is the best weapon in the game.

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Fedorov >>> STG44
AS-44 = STG44
AVT-40 >>> M2 Carbine >>>> FG 42 II
Winchester >>> any Axis boltie
PPS-43 (BR2) >>>> MP40 (BR3)
PPSh-41 box (BR3) >>>> any Axis smg besides Kiraly (BR5)
Sniper AVT-36 >>>> garbage >>>> FG42 sniper (that can’t hit anything)
RD-44 >>> MG15
BAR >>>> MG34
SVT-38 >>>> M1 Garand >>>> Gewehr 41/43
Only gold order weapons and KT are better everything else is inferior to soviet or american guns


I have problem with character customization, some coats just disappeard after this update. :confused:

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The only advantage of Axis guns are their good sights while allied weapons have bad or broken sights, but overall better weapons in terms of performance.

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But great that soviet firearms got a big buff. Bc they suffer :clown_face:

  • RD-44: reduced dispersion, reduced recoil by 12%, increased recoil control, returned the ability to sprint with the weapon, reduced aim down sight time by 17%.
  • PPSh-41 (box): Reduced aim down sight time by 10%.
  • SVT-40 with Bubnov drum: Increased weight, reduced recoil by 9%, increased aim down sight time by 5%.
  • Made it more comfortable to fire bursts with PPSh-41, PPSh-41 (box), PPD 40, PPD-40 DSZ, PPT-27, PPD 1929, PPD 34/38, PPD-34.
    Poor Soviets what could they do without being so op. Not only PPSh-41 box got buffed once but got twice buffed in a same patch. LMAO they really want to kill BR1-3 Axis and turn it into bot lobbies. It’s the revenge for Berlin.

it’s really kind of sad that you refuse to play any other team and refer to videogame characters as “we”

Enlisted was designed as a casual game for casual players. How do people not understand this? It was never meant to be a MLG game.


Rd44 is basically an smg. Is not a 1 hit kill so yes i believe the changes were valid

Yep, exactly why I got addicted to Enlisted.
Im playing a ww2 game for fun and action not to camp like a cunt.

what you don’t like mg nests every 200m?


At least their bipods work. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is all completely wrong. Germans also get the mp717 or whatever, that and kiraly are at the top of the board for smgs in game. Avt sucks not sure what you’re on about, definitely not better then fg42. M2 has horribe sights, can’t see a damn thing and has horrid recoil.

Obviously when i say germans have the best gear I’m talking about end game, premmy squads, and gold orders. Don’t pretend everyone in end game doesn’t have enough gold order weapons to fill a couple squads out. It’s undeniable, the germans have far superior gear as a whole. Sure other factions have this and that, I’m talking end game comparisons which is the only thing that really matters.

press X to doubt
only since the merge have I played in full human lobbies. The campaigns led us to stupid issues like “cap rate adjustments” because players just wanted to farm bots with nobody on the opposite team.

The campaign system nearly killed this game in and of itself.


Are you really trying to say almost 1 million players is a dead game? Not even close. I’ll repeat myself again, the real problem is dark flow NEVER advertised the game. I mistakenly stumbled upon it several months ago with out ever hearing of the title before. If they advertised, they would of gotten more players, more players equals less bots.

Also go look at the data spreads, there’s almost the same amount of bots entering games as before merge

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Throw the person whose decision this was there too

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only gold order weapons which are way more rare than constant spam of AS-44 and RD44


complete delusional no point in discussing further it has half of recoil of fg 42 ii


Well the walk 1 miles and get shot simulator.