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Berlin Allies hasn’t had players since like April

From what I’ve seen people who play in squads/stacks might be encounering this bug.

I’ve heard of this bug as well.

I don’t know how it’s done but in my server I have heard multiple people saying BR 5 weapons are sneaking into BR 2 games.

Must be some kind of bug. If we figure out how to do it we will report it.

Okay stay with me
My theory is the MATCH is X BR
And both parties are getting uptiered into it or downtiered into it
And its just another one of the cavalcade of bugs/fuck ups we’ve had over the years

So even though you’re Tier II and shouldn’t see V technically its a Tier III match so they’re downtiered into it

I get you bro !

Kind of reminds me of when Warthunder scrapped the historical battles for realistic battles where Japanese Zeroes and Soviet Yaks fight german bf-109’s and british spitfires while defending London.

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Was still winnable though. I swear playing against mainly bots too often makes people way too complacent and casual.


I miss historical battles so much, bro
It added a nice level of predictability and the ability to plan the match out a bit

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That sounds ridiculous. I hate it just by reading it. Thanks for sharing.

As for me and Enlisted: Well… The previous 3600 matches were fun. :sweat_smile:
Everything has to end someday, I guess. :man_shrugging:


Germans have THE best gear in game.

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At end game and not everyone makes it there And those of us who actually do make it to the end we want to make the other side bleed

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AS44, RD44, Federov, PPSH drum, all soviet semis, IS2, KV1. Soviets ALWAYS had the advantage in their respective stage of each campaign. T-34 and Federov in moscov, enough said.

Axis only got a chance when hitting the later stages of each campaign. The StG44 is somewhat equal to the AS44, the Federov totally rips the MkB42 (funny while the Federov uses more powerfull ammo and still is more controlable then the MkB). MP40 vs PPSH - any questions? The KT is a beast, but a IS2 can destroy it.

Since our perfect and GREAT update the axis roflstomps everything with their end game gear, except the allied team is filled with AS44s and/or RD44s. Funny that the premium para squad for the soviets ALSO got the AS44. So many AS44s while it was a PROTOTYPE gun…



No, Soviets and Germans are fairly even
Slavs can give them a fair fight

Yanks got absolutely shafted though

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When it comes down to pure sweat Lords the Soviets have the upper hand


… thats why the soviets dominated moscow and berlin for a long long long long time.


That was in the past and those players have moved on to a better game now or they retired and went to Moscow but now thanks to new BR they’re now living in Tier 2


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Different amount of players =/= equipment disparity
Having finished both sides in both of their campaigns the only trouble I ever had was teammates being shit or just having bots

I’d rather have bots when playing Germans than suffer the great tactic that is the Teutonic Horseshoe around the point

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I was one of the first to jump on the Berlin train because I didn’t have the panzerfaust yet and it was faster to unlock in Berlin than Normady.
Around the time the merge was announced it was 100% a ghost town with more than half of the sqauds being bots.
2 good players could easily stomp the enemy team.
As the news hit the forum things started changing quickly, 1 month in it was no longer fun as it turned into a Tunisia like botfarm on drugs.
Only saving quality of allies was their good starting gear which made it fairly popular for clans and 4stacks but the average allied player rarely got lucky enough to have clan on his side.

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King Tiger unlock’t when i have Tiger : "You need to unlock ALL the fucking previous research to buy it :slight_smile: My response : Never happen, hasta la vista enlisted and All others product from Gaijin :slight_smile:

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AND hello all the good First person shooter from Steam - Buy and fun for the life.

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Lots of comments getting deleted all over forum.
Phrase your criticism better or don’t be surprised when you get censored.