⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

Its dead to me


I am not denying that there may be bugs.
I am not even happy with the merge myself, or seeing Tiger 2s in Stalingrad in the first place.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if those BT-7s and T-34s had PPShs/PPDs on their tankers as they are used to doing for years in Moscow.


This one NO because it’s a late war Volkssturm weapon and it shouldn’t appear anywhere other than Berlin (just for the memes).

This one probably YES.

This whole ‘the merge’ sounds like the story line of a bad Zombie movie. From the last Pacific battle I was in, I thought I was playing against zombies as was total sitting duck shoot, with zero challenge.

Games now seem either too easy or too hard with nothing in between with bonkers squads and up against tanks with what is essentially a pea shooter. The game really has lost its soul and ‘fun’ factor.


The Soviets are the only one here Fielding nonexistent guns into battle and has a zombie weapon as their main frontline defender while the Japanese are just failing at being a Unicorn.


Are we really about to get into “non-existent” ww2 guns? Germany is filled with them

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The Soviets are the worst offenders here when you look at their end game so don’t you even start with Germany otherwise take away the Soviet magic and take away the German magic then we can have a nice balance hell



I didn’t play stalingrad but I got near to the end of it on another account but on this account I don’t have most of the squads and squads I have right now don’t even have the option for medic is that gonna be addressed in the future

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I agree tier 5 should be taken away from Germany, I’m a u.s. main and it’s ridiculous what we are up against now.

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The game was never really built around the Americans it was built around the Soviets


I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been on about this for months warning people what would come.


It was a shit show for ussr before merge. Lost every game in berlin, constant slaughter fest.

That’s because the cowards were hiding in Moscow and they don’t want to work for that points and they kicked the Germans out of Berlin in the past

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My feedback after a couple days of playing the merge.

What I like:

I like that I won’t be duplicating research anymore. I like the ability to play low tier at BR 2 battles with riffles vs others with relatively the same weapons.

It was very easy to set up and save my BR5 loadouts, it was a simple matter of bringing in my best squads from Berlin which I’m maxed with a few minor changes.

What I don’t like:

The lack of a proper mid tier leaves a lot of weapons without a home, I’m hoping BR 3 is going to be it’s own que later.

Why does USSR faction seem to be getting the majority of the buffs? - Please be fair to all nations - I play all factions and I’m almost maxed in all of them so I would like to see them all be brought to similar power levels.

I think ALL bolt actions should be T2 - maybe I’m a little biased here because Lee Enfield Boltie from Tunisia is my favourite bolt actions in the game and it’s T3

The BR of certain gear needs further balancing. Obviously a WIP

Request: Can you make pistols cheaper - We need a lot of them and 3K silver is a lot.

Having less choice in types of maps I encounter is not great. I see this as a blessing and a curse though as I see a lot of people up in arms about it but… we couldn’t pick our exact maps before anyway just the map pool. I remember getting trying to play Normandy and getting Manor conquest 3 times in a row. I need to play more to see if I enjoy the variety it creates before I give a finalized opinion.

My recommendation to other players. Play T5 OR T2 do not try to seal club with T3 because as I mentioned before it is much easier for a player to create a T5 setup by pulling in his old squads from a previously maxed campaign like Berlin or Normandy than to create a dedicated T2 setup which takes quite a bit of work to set up. Thus there will be more T5 games, thus T3 is much more likely to face T5 than T2. If you want T2 maps then play T2. Also, save and utilize the presets system it saves a ton of time once you have it set up.

Overall, good work so far. Needs improvement though.


People need to stop complaining when they are trying to seal club with T3 gear into a T2 game when they should know that BR3 is basically gambling.

If you want low tier play T2

If you want high Tier bring your best stuff and play T5.

Recognize the fact that there will be more T5 people playing currently because it’s easier to setup BR5 by importing your best squads into a lineup for that nation with very little changes made and be BR 5 ready. T2 requires careful set up of course there’s going to be less T2 games.


Then you haven’t played Berlin when it first come out, Soviets were slaughtering Axis for months because their unlocks were much better. Now they are even stronger but Soviet players are completely braindead and can’t use and utilize smartly their op stuff against Axis.


I can’t even express how much I hate the new Enlisted…

…on the other hand, I should not complain about it. Before the major change, I was deeply addicted to the game and now, when it lost the pseudo-realistic atmosphere of the right armies at the right time and place, it’s gone. I’m finally clean of Enlisted. :smiley: It became one big war-thunderish joke.

I tried to play it but it’s broken beyond any possible repair.

I laughed out loud when I played the Normandy campaign and my Italian pilot was screaming [italian, of course] that he needed enemy coordinates, and when I got shot down I respawned with a winter camouflaged squad that got decimated seconds later because it was too visible by a tank that clearly shouldn’t be there. Maaan,… I laughed so hard. :joy:

I just wonder - am I the only one who hates it? Please tell me, it’s a mystery for me.


No we had it with a full BR 2 lineups last night
Spawned into Stalingrad and got lit up by AVT-40s, minespam, and an IS-2
Though we blew up the IS-2 and the guy left lmoa

Exactly! Soviets have some of the best gear in the game. The problem lies with lack of players. Berlin Allies was a ghost town for the last month because everyone was trying to get the FG42 II and Tiger II (H) before merge.

Playing Allies in Berlin was like knowingly going into a 2 Vs 10 match

I still did it though.