Medic class?

do you play the medic?
would you like to see medics use carbine (pistols with stocks ect/low caliber-pistol rifles) ?
medics as a bot controlled class?
medics as an unarmed class?
medic tent structure?
what abilities would you like added to the medic?
medic units from ww2 you want added as premium squad?

I play medics, they are actually a weird mix between assault team and support, but the support isn’t even very good, they need more love, I think I would love see something for refill box and shrings or even “drugs” for resurrect non headshoot or torn in pieces corpses


Mostly only premium because they do have engineer + plus I put TT medic squad to my BR1 German preset. But I really haven’t played it much yet.

Additionally, I put a medic as a fifth smg guy into every legacy assaulter squad where possible.

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I admit, unless you are in pacific it’s sad see you can’t fit medics in high br squads, it’s strange…

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When I play medic, I play full support medic with my perks dedicated to health restoration and survivability. I usually use the full 5 man japanese medic squad

Smoke grenades to cover, place medboxes as I advance thru smoke, place AP mines to establish a “line”

From there I go around healing and making sure that the “line” holds up until people move up.

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The only medic squads I use are the premium squads. As a class they are just worse assaulters, as a squad they are MUCH worse assaulters. Something needs to change to make them worth using, but not entirely sure what.

Medic? No honestly no to be honest His habilities should be given a buff

I have exactly one medic in my lineup and it’s only for his SMG.
Healing is very meh, most soldiers die very fast so there is nobody left alive to heal. I preffer to have normal troopers with 3 medkits and a repair box, they are faaaaaaar more usefull.
Sometimes I drop bandage boxes but almost nobody uses them anyway.

Personally I’d preffer to remove SMGs from medics and make them super good at healing (I’d give them some limited revive ability). Because currently they are just a worse assaulter with questionable healing ability.


Nope unless you count the universal carrier medic but that more of a “backup” if you know what I mean



both. just like now
althogugh, attackers medics dont’ heal as much as defenders medic bots.

eh, no.
i’d leave that for customs in those hardcore milsim.

i’d say, let them be able to refill syringes at the cost of one medkit or cooldown from the medkit box, and they would be mostly good.

i’m personally against resurrection.
but if the majority wants it, eh fuck it. why not i gues.

not as premium, but i would like to get some sort of logistic vehicles with medic abilities focus.

for example, medical opel blitzes, where has a larger quantiy of usable medkits opposed to the crate.
can be requisitioned and moved around.

and for mods, a tent where once placed, can make respawn lost members of a squad ( like it was promised for mods ) perhaps placable by engineers in the medic squads. but yeah, medics dont have medics.

which you didn’t mentioned, but the base squads should be changed to be more in line like an anti tank squad or mg squad.

3 soldier of the class, and additional specialization of other soldiers.

They should get a reduction to their reviving time.

They should be removed, they’re a pointless addition to a game. You can lump the building of medical facilities to the engineer as well, they seem to be able to build everything the game needs to be built anyway.
They’re a stupid implementation since the game isn’t designed for any sort of medical content other than an abstracted medpack.

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I like the Medic because it gives me one additional assaulter on the battlefield. Since I prefer SMG’s to rifles… To me the only drawback is that the Medic cannot carry an ammo or grenade pouch. I wish they were offered in more squads. However, these rifle squads are great in level 5 since I can use the M2 or T20 which almost makes an assaulter a little less essential. However, those rifle squads work great in level 5 since they have fully auto rifles. So, I like the Medic, but only use them in BR 1-3 fights. :blush:

Medic soldiers are fine when in other 7-men or 9-men squads in my opinion, I kept them; but Medic squads are generally nothing but burdens of the team. Weapon damages and healing systems in Enlisted are too fast-paced for Medics to exploit their support roles, while in attacking they are more slow and vulnerable than Assaulters.

I’m fine if it is an addition instead of a replacement.

Good if it doesn’t take player slots.

It will be great when the above one becomes a reality.

Instant healing and cooldown to heal again, so Medics don’t need to run after those random teammates who don’t know they are being healed.

Medics problems are numerous;

  • AI is braindead and will die too quickly for Medics to matter,
  • the medic, (and the raidomen) will be the first to be shot if they’re embedded in a squad, no way to pick up the medics kit.

at most they’re kind of useful when you stumble across a friendly medical crate, or blow up an enemy crate in a bombing /artillery run.


just the orita / ppsh-2 squad the most or a 5th guy with smg on legacy
if i remmeber i place a medbox, but most times its only more usefull on LF.

now tbh everytime i see a medbox i always stack medkits, so it might be a good idea to use them more…

Yes :stuck_out_tongue: