Maxed research credits

I have maxed one of my factions and have over 250k research credits. This makes playing the faction pointless. It would be nice for a game bank for all factions but I also understand it would exploited. Maxxing research kills a factions usefulness.

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Just keep banking it and have fun.


I agree. That is where I think it would be very useful if you were able to convert that into silver, so you could grow your squads efficiency more.

Why? You can play without having to worry about the grind. You can also play other factions

I am finishing Russia at 15k a tier 5 tank, Germany is done just like US, I am not grinding Japan with this new stupid economy that somehow is a lot more expensive for being cheaper. The greedy loot goblins need to let up on the bleeding of the player base. Steam is going to eat them alive with mentally disabled attitude.