Yellow Research Points, Allow to sell for SILVER (help game economy)

So with the “new” tech tree system, you rack up the yellow research points anytime you go past the finish of the research that you are currently working on, letting you put them into whatever research you like.

While this is a fantastic feature, that I don’t disagree with in the slightest, I would like to point out that when you complete ALL the research for a nation, this resource begins stacking up exponentially.

So until something new is released for that faction (which you’ll still likely have more than enough research points to buy) they are pretty much useless.


Allow players to sell these research points off for silver!! Even at a rate of 3/1 would be useful.

It would allow players a good opportunity to build up their silver reserves to then go build up another nation as well, (they would still need to play that other nation to level up its research, but this lets them buy more gear for the current level that they are at).

I would like to note that this suggestion doesn’t hurt anyone, this is more of a QoL thing for advanced players, but will impact all players at some point.


selling them would be nice, but i’d rather being able to transfer those points onto other squads.

so that, it would be a small boost.

but in both case, i’m not sure devs would allow to do that.

because it’s in their interest to increase the grind and force you to play to get more " squad upgrades tokens " and silvers by playing.

opposed to just play the same squad and gain everything with it while keep selling those.

mostly because some squads level up faster than others…


I’m not sure we are talking about the same thing.

I’m not talking about the “squad” upgrades. I’m referring to the xp on the RESEARCH tree.

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i see.

the yellow points on the tech tree.

i thought you were talking about the yellow tokens in squad upgrades.

because usually you get most unused tokens there.
my bad.

well, in that case, i’m… not sure they would allow you to let you sell them, but sure, it would be great :+1:

even though… conversion will be pitiful like most of other things…


I’m sure, but its better than just sitting on hundreds of thousands of xp that can’t be used for anything.

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I would even allow it to be transferred between factions in exchange for losing a % of what was sent


I mean… why not?

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Isn’t it already transferable?

I don’t think transferring the research points between factions is a good idea, otherwise players would only ever play one faction and still be able to max out the others. Which would cause a number of matchmaking issues. (Less players in those other campaigns.)

I think conversion to silver is the better option.


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Players who graduated from a single development tree strongly agree with this idea
No one wants to play hundreds of games with weapons they don’t like in another country they don’t like.

Maybe you can use silver coins to transfer excess experience
For example, 1 silver coin transfers 10 yellow experience
Later equipment requires more than 160,000 experience
This will balance it out a little bit
Instead of going crazy and gaining a lot of experience in advantageous countries
Forcibly replenish with an amount that ignores the percentage tax

Players have more motivation to continue playing games after graduating in their favorite country
Instead of worrying about losing motivation after having no goals or going to other countries to open up wasteland.
Or simply stop playing until the next satisfactory update comes out