Matchmaking is fine for GE

I disagree, japs do have very good smgs across all BRs. Same goes for rifles.

The literally only issue is tank balance. But since Japs do have the finally working NI05 with ±180mm pene, they really do not need tanks.

It’s more of matter which faction is going to be more popular, not about equipment differences. At least that’s my opinion.

Ohh, and I forgot about sniper rifles. Sovs do have the best endgame snipers rifles meanwhile Maps completely don’t have any.

But not many people are using end game snipers anyway.

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Yeah, I think Soviets would take the lead in popularity regardless due to its playerbase and appeal resulting in a clear winner.

Well, don’t forget that both US and Japs were promised to get assault engineers. Meaning, both factions should get ARs too.

So guessing future balance based only of equipment we have know is kinda pointless.
I am pretty sure Japanese will keep getting new stuff at pretty high rate.

I don’t see anything wrong about this.

This is like saying every nation have explosive pack so they don’t need tank.
The job that NI05 does can also done by TNT or explosive pack.
Grey zone exist lol.

I never had a problem with greyzone tanks when I played Japanese. Have you?

Comparing NI05 to EP… Really? lol.

It will not have much problem for premium player like you that can bring all sorts of stuff.
But it is a problem for many F2P players.

Both are short range anti tank weapon and can destroy heavy tank.

I can add a few things, as a german main:

So, my winrate is somewhat on the low end, usually I end up fighting the soviets (probably because I am in European servers).
Often, I see our side losing and the defeat is also often a roflstomp.

Yes. Though, what server were You on?
Last I remember the western allies mains were prone to abandoning ship when they face a more serious resistance and realizing that this won’t be easy bot farming (back when campaigns were separate, I think Tunisia suffered the most from this).

Yeah, the German tanks, while have a very efficient layout (5 tankers, with obvious commander/gunner/driver/loader and machinegunner), tend to feel a lot like tissue paper in terms of armor strength. A single hit from the side (and sometimes even the front) of the usual 45mm soviet tank gun (that T-26, BT-7 and T-50 have) destroys pretty much any of the panzer 3s, and some early variants of 4s.
They are too vulnerable if you ask me, so I prefer using planes nowadays. It is a bit funny that I feel safer in a plane than a tank. I could last for entire match in a same plane (especially if folks on opposite team don’t build AAs or use their own planes).

And yeah, lack of engineers is one of the larger issues.

Europe, time played 9:00 till 11:00 GMT+1. Not the main hours, however I still had games against troublesome opponents.

Do not really agree. The Pz.3 N can be angled effectively and with HEAT can go even up against BR 3 tanks effectively, only having some trouble with KV-1. The issue is the playerbase of GE does not understand the proper usage of the armor resulting in either grey zone camping with questionable results or rushing in with zero inf coverage.

Of course all factions have some braindead tankers, but given I play against GE most often, I see several of them everytime I play, whilst other factions have less tankers overall due to their armor not being as appealing as the GE one, especially to newbies.

50+20 mm, I suppose this one is resistant, at least from the front.
But I was more about lower BRs, where german vehicles generally have no more than 50 mm of armor.
Heck, this one is a premium vehicle on warthunder, if I remember right.

Pz.3 N is a BR II tank m8, that is a low BR. In regards to BR I tanks, Pz. 3s might not have much armor, but neither do their counterparts and the 37/50mm cannon is more than capable of one shotting most opponents except for T-28.

I disagree about this part.
It is not a 1 hit destruction, usually. But that is compensated with a high rate of fire.
Though, I do need to play a bit more with tanks, to confirm.

BT-7, T-26, (M13/GAZ AA), Daimler are all one shots.

A13, Stuarts, Scott, T-28 are still easy kill with 2+ shots.

T-50 are the troublesome bunch through mantlet or cupola and the M5A1 Stuart can only be done in through turret ring.

T-60/70 and M3 Lee/Grant are the only ones frontally impenetrable by 37mm.

For a BR I tank that is quite a firepower with a fast reload enabling mistakes for the operator. Plus the tank has a decent mobility so flanking is always an option.

Are they really?
I am positive that you need at least 2 shots - 1 to the turret and 1 to the hull to properly end these vehicles. The only one I’m willing to agree is the T-26, but that probably requires a good hit.
And on the reverse side, 45 mm canon can easily contend with most of other vehicles at their BR.
T-26 is a glass canon and slow.
BT-7 is a glass canon, but at least it is fast.

More or less, but scott most likely will 1-shot the panzer 3. Also, it’s turret is a bit tricky, as it is angled.

No, you probably going to need more, unless the player picked up only minimum amount of crew for the vehicle. Because the machinegunners from turrets go to occupy the vacant places. Unless we assume the player exits the vehicle (perhaps with panic).
Not to mention, T-28 guarantees a 1-shot versus Panzer 3.

I’d add them to the next bit of list. Since, they are basically impenetrable, which requires the player to go to point-blank range, or flanking.
Plus, 45mm gun also allows the T-50 to 1-shot the P3 (not guaranteed, but possible).

Kind of true, but it’s 20 mm gun is not much of a threat for Panzer 3 E (B of course is vulnerable), if angled. They kind of are a fair fight.

More or less agreed.
T-70 can 1-shot the P3, like all others with 45 mm guns.
As for Lee/Grant, haven’t been facing these that much - if it’s 37mm, it’s basically semi-fair, if it’s 75 mm in the hull - I assume it is a guaranteed 1-shot, unless it is that solid AP round.

Also, I’m adding my testing of the 45mm gun:

While it is old, it should still be relevant in terms of 45mm canon’s capability @Leviner .

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I agree the 45mm outclasses the early GE cannons, however like mentioned, all the early soviet tanks are glass cannons. Unless they get first shot off, they are dead which is their gimmick. Their AT capabilities might be higher, however they make up for it with their weakness to any other intereference.

They are an easy picking even for AT rifles unlike Pz.3s which have more crew and less cramped positioning. Even fighers (tried IAR-81C) can go through their armor like butter and so can the built HMG, unlike Pz.3 which even from side can survive Dshk (the E variant at least). and is less prone to being wiped by planes due to crew being spread out better.

Also might wish to adress this BR II boy :smiley: . Glass cannon that can one-shot any BR I-III and with a flank even up to KTs.


I disagree about T-60, T-70 and T-50.

Panzer 3s are vulnerable to AT rifles.
the B variant is especially vulnerable.
E can more or less tank shots from some distance, while the J(1) and N series are pretty much immune from the front. N even has side skirts, which further make it a difficult tank to engage with AT rifle.

Checks warthunder’s wiki…
Fair enough, 30 mm on the side, while DSHK’s penetration is something about 25 at 100 meters, if I remember right. So, just detracking capability.

Still, let’s move away from the tanks for now, and get back to statistics:

Like, here are my recent stats, 100+ battles played. I mostly played from several weeks ago, since my return.
As You can see, K/D ratio for Axis is pretty alright, but the win percentage is awful.
How would You explain this?

Winrate depends quite a bit on time of the day. The results of my try has been 50% during GMT+1 9:00 to 11:00 on Sunday. Not the main hours, but not the worst time either since even at that time I encountered stacks on the enemy side.

It also depends on playstyle. I always had eyes on the ground without any vehicle usage and as such could easily react to threats towards objectives.

Next factor is mission and maps. Mine were usually either Confrontation or as the Defense, the latter being the easiest to gather victories. Certain maps are advantageous towards one side, certain to the other though determining them is not within my current reach.

So explanation - Time of day (playerbase activity), Mission type, Maps and lastly Gameplay style (least impactful as it heavily depends on player individually.)

So You’re basically saying, that one needs to find the right time to play a faction with enjoyment and no excess roflstomps?

Because, of course other factors are mostly irrelevant - I am just 1 of the 10 players supposedly in a team.
The playstyle, mission type and map are pretty much irrelevant, and at best would make a Win/Defeat difference to 40-60% from 50% of the expected default. But in no way it should be as bad as this.

In that case, you should correct the topic name to Matchmaking is fine for GE , if one picks the right time.
Because, it is NOT fine for me.

Forgot to mention server. I played on Europe, so if you play somewhere else that may also cause differences.

I did not choose a time specifically during the run. However given that the current situation will last for a longer period of time. Experiences of winrates may vary due to player fluctuation between factions. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you do not.

2 Days ago I played with a Pug on discord. Randoms and we played 15 games from GMT+1 17:00 till 22:00 this Saturday. Winrate was around 85% as we lost maybe 2/3 games at most. However we played on US servers, should it therefore be 85% instead of 50%. No, even with varied times and different servers, 50% winrate is not stable.

It is not stable for other factions neither tbh, though they are less prone to experiencing losing streaks due to having more veterans in their faction due to current migration issues.