Massive improvements in the progression system


is a nice thing to have for players like me.
ill be a strungle for casual players.


We didn´t even get the promised perk overhaul…

What was delivered is twisted monstrosity of original promise.
Not to mention that silver orders aquisition was supposed to be looked into as well.

There is one more citation which proves that this update is a broken promise with possibly terrific results it might bring.


let’s just hope they haven’t implemented this one and will be coming soon

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This should have arrived together with this update to avoid unnecessary hate or confusion.

To be fair, unless pricing on silver orders changed, it won´t be likely for me to struggle too much (but some problems may arise because of playing multiple campaigns, of course) because I don´t have to send my soldiers to the academy slaughter house anymore, but this will completely crush new players by terrible shortage of manpower.

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Actually, this is exactly how the system was changed to work as. The issue is that instead of trying to understand what this actually meant, people have simply read between the lines and twisted the meaning of the message.

Nowhere does it say that you can pick the perk you want. It simply says that instead of gaining new points for rolling new perks, you will lose a level, instead. Also, the xp requirement for leveling up has been increased from 3000 or something for tier V to over 13000. 5 times more grind. Furthermore, you cannot stack points each time you level up. If you forget to re-roll, the soldier simply does not gain more points to roll perks.

The claim about silver orders was added afterwards when a few players pointed out that silver orders are very rare. I immediately knew that it is just pr talk, and silver orders will continue to be extremely rare, so rare in fact, that grinding and rolling bronze orders to hopefully get a soldier you needed was faster. And at least, you could gather a few soldiers to fill up your squads. Now, you are more likely to fully level up a squad way before you have the right soldiers for it, and for the most part, you will be lucky to have squads with 4 soldiers. This basically makes the really bad premium squads to actually be worthwhile, because at least they have the right soldiers in them.

In a game where premium squads cost between fifty and a hundred euros (more than any AAA game), I had absolutely no illusion that this change is specifically meant to make the grind much much worse in order to force players to spend money, and those who do to be able to notice how they hold a huge advantage over those who do not.

It is Korean games method of squeezing money out of their player base. PAY TO WIN.

There is one point that is important and suggests that random perk selection on retrain was not supposed to be a thing.
But I admit that I (and probably many more people) might have interpreted this wrong way.

That point is: A lost rank level can be regained easily in battles- and new perk learned

Nothing tells us about set of random perks, or ability to select randomly perk after leveling up. It says, that we can swap perk any time, re-learn the level of the soldier and that would cause soldier to learn the perk.

@Keofox, if this interpretation is wrong, then this perk aquisition rework was terrible idea from begin with. If this interpretation is NOT wrong, then why such drastic change of mind?

Ok something really weird is going on with soldier training.
Look at the rank, the amount of stars and perks, Erich Funk was rank IV leveled up by new system. Alois Rosin was rank III leveled by new system.

(and yes, I could choose new perk immediately after leveling rank up)

This sentence says that you have the existing system of switching perks for three random ones, but instead of collecting point to roll the perks, you down-level. It makes no mention whatsoever that random perks are replaced. Meaning the random perks is being kept. It is very clear. In fact, it is mind boggling how people could be confused about the fact that the random perk thing is also changed.

This is a flat out lie by omission and leaving things up to interpretation. The xp required to gain a level has been increased by 5 times. There is nothing easy about it.

How to get new soldiers if i am not premium player and dont have a battlepass. And dont have any silver orders to get new soldiers… And need 10 levels in battlepass to get only 1 silver order for troops… This update make game for f2p players unplayable


Soldiers which already had retraining points are bugged. They unbug once you use all those retraining points.

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This bug also consumes retraining points during perk selection.

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Of course. That was the intent. To widen the gap between free and battlepass or premium players.

Those who pay get a bit less benefits than before, so that they are incentivized to spend more money than they are already spending. Those who are playing for free are incentivized to spend some money on the battlepass (if not premium account).

Otherwise, free players have to accept they are literally locked out from certain features of the game: they cannot get additional soldiers for their squads, and they are stuck with the basic soldier composition of a squad.

Personally, I find this extremely disappointing. And I am a whale who is spending inordinate amounts of money on this game.

With free players being so extremely handicapped, I will probably quit playing this game. I find it extremely unfair because it removes skill from the equation. No matter how good he is, a free player with a skeleton squad with just one special soldier and two or three riflemen has no chance against my fully decked out squads with 7-9 soldiers which are all assaulters, engineers, mg gunners or snipers and maybe a few riflemen.


Yes i am stuck becouse i dont have more reserve soldiers (engineer, sniper, at gunner and more) to fill up squads …



From the improvements page

You will also gain the ability to sell unneeded weapons and dismiss soldiers to get even more bronze orders.

I’ve dismissed a levelled 1-star soldier to test this and received no orders back for sending them to the rear. :man_shrugging:



why you think removing retraining point is a good changing, storage extra level as retraining points is good for me to set my soldiers perk build, I can repick perk many times once but no do this work after each game. I can not understand what is the essntial difference between now and before, expect creating more work for player. Removing Academy is a good idea but do not forget that there are many people kept a lot of low level solders in their warehouse to coposite new heigher level soldiers, after this update, these soldiers are total worthless rubbish and they still occupied warehouse space, the only thing I can do is to dismiss them and that means all the time I spent on them now is same as them- total worthless rubbish but some bronze order.

After a day’s experience, I found that upgrading second rank soldiers from 4 stars to 5 stars requires 54 bronze order. The price is too exaggerated. I can’t even imagine the upgrade price of level 3 soldiers.

In my opinion, it is absolutely not worth using or upgrading tier II soldiers. Tier III, yes, but they are available in very few campaigns.

Here you go. Costs thanks to @Stein_Grenadier

What a lie that was… No one I know who plays this game can buy soldiers anymore… :frowning: