Massive improvements in the progression system


why should they refund soldiers that are used/lost in academy like someone asked. He still can use those leveled soldier and currently its only way to get leveled soldiers.

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I see a lot of people reacting optimistically to this change. I cannot understand why.

The system is change to force players use two types of resources, no matter what. Before, it was just one resource: bronze orders. You would grind for them to buy random stuff, which in turn could be broken down and used to upgrade stuff.

Now, you are required to use silver orders to buy stuff, and bronze orders to upgrade stuff with. There is very little information provided concerning how orders will be obtained. And it is not unrealistic to expect it is going to be difficult, and very grindy.

It also does not say anything about the cost to upgrade stuff, or what the mechanic will be like, and what the xp requirements will look like.

It does not say anything about what is going to happen with crews which are already max level and with many re-roll points.

It does not say anything about how skills will change and their impact. There were some very strong weapon and healing skills around which people build their squads around. If that changes, and depending on how it changes, many of those soldiers will have to be retrained again, which will mean even more grinding.

I see nothing good about this change. Just more grinding and paywalls.


I do not understand how you are reacting so negatively.

First, your point that you are going from one resource to 2 is true is not true. You had both of these resources since the beginning and you already were forced to use silver orders to do things like upgrade vehicles. You literally could not get all of the content in the game with just bronze orders.

Second, let’s compare systems:

The old system: Random, lots of extra junk like Mortars you couldn’t do anything with, took lots of time with Academy wait times. Also you had massive and confusing clutter. So, Random, Useless Rewards, Excess Time.

The new system: Precise, you only get what you want/need, takes no extra time. So, Precise, you get what you pay for, quick.

Third, what it appears is your realc concern is how hard it will be to get silver orders. They will redo silver order availability. They already said that. SOoooo…I’m honestly confused as to what you are looking for here.

Some people hate change for the sake of change. This new system will literally be better in every way.


You still have to upgrade the weapons so progress doesn’t end when dailies end. Thus you are still rewarded if you play more.

They will also increase the availability of silver orders.

Good question, I’m guessing you will be able to get them with silver orders, also Axes.

Whoever thinks it’s fun to play with squads where you’ve unlocked a place for another soldier, but cannot get a soldier to fill the empty spot, needs a long hard rethink. Certainly the rebalance of silver orders seems to have potential to bridge this gap, but as I believe they will not be a commodity there is going to be a time where you can’t afford to get what you need.

As an example of what will come,unlock an assaulter spot to soldier squad, yay no silver orders for an assaulter. Then, once you do, no silver orders to equip him with a basic SMG. Or worse, a machinegunner without a machinegun. I fail to see how this is a massive improvement, sadly.

At the very least you should be able to fill the basic roles and weaponry with the bronze orders somehow. For example, make it so you can use a few bronzes to get a basic soldier or weapon which you cannot level past level 2 to tide you over until sufficient silver orders are accumulated.

Sure, right now it is partly luck of the draw with the bronze orders and you always seem to end up with 30 extra attacker pilots which is no fun either. Somehow the academy and massive pool of soldiers system in game now did seem somewhat unique and encouraged to take a few green soldiers with the squads. I would’ve liked to think there could have been a way to bypass this, like a way to send 5 useless extra pilots home to get back one soldier for the specific role you need. For most excess weapons (hello Kar98K) the weapon parts option did the trick, even if it took too many clicks to dismantle a pile of 50 rifles. I have to say that it took a really long time to understand how the system works, but it made the game a bit unique.


Oh, one thing I certainly forgot. For now there seems to be a hard lower limit of squad sizes. That should go. I want to put my squads in reserve and take the soldiers with their equip from there. It seems to be quite impossible now without some rookies to fill in.


I did not say anything about the old system which is bad as it is.

I said the information about the new system is incomplete, and judging by how things currently are, there is no reason to believe things will be less grindy. Things will just be less convoluted, not less grindy. Can you make that distinction?

I have every right to express my concerns about the new system and how it will impact the already existing grind (which is already so ridiculous, you absolutely have to pay for premium). In fact, you have to pay for almost anything including extremely stupid wait times to train in the academy.

I am also tired of entitled fanbois like you who try to shut down any kind of conversation concerning the potential greed behind a change, and the lack of information provided to blind customers to what that change actually entails.

A tried and true, and simple system would have been the following: you play, you gain xp and currency. Xp is used to invest in a squad’s research tree, unlocking soldier types and weapons. The squad automatically has soldiers and weapons available based on what you unlocked.

The soldiers also gain xp. That xp is used to unlock abilities.

For any extra customization and gear/weapons, you spend currency. Simple.

Instead, we have this overly complicated system replaced with another less contrived by more annoying and grindy which requires a bunch of nonsense for which you have to grind, and which is only available in limited quantities (silver orders).

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How do you know that this new system will be more or less grindy … we don’t. However what you are saying is that you already think the current system is a grind .

So yeah from your perspective this new system will be just as much a grind as the previous one for those who dont spend money .

And unfortunately that is the very nature of these types of games. If you want to play for free then you must indure the grind… I can say from personal experience that buying premium and BP do significantly reduce the grind …

I’m sorry that some feel like they cant afford to pay to reduce the grind but that’s just the way it is. But don’t get angry at those who do P2P because unless some pay then no one plays …


Perhaps it will end up not being that much of an issue, but it is still true, that if you unlock 2-3 new squads in one day with new weapons, you will probably be less able to equip them with what you want on that day, unless you have Silver Orders saved up. Or if they come equipped.
And a lot still depends on how they rebalance Silver Orders.

Also no one answered the question, whether weapons means just ‘guns’, or also things like granade, or ammo pouches. I suspect the answer is no, but it would make a big difference if it was yes.

Also from a personal point of view, despite the micromanaging of Academy and weapon unlocks and upgrading being often tedious and much more time consuming then necessary (missing things like bulk dissasemble, or unlock for example) i somehow liked throwing the dice and receiving some decked out gun.
Technically possible partially with a Silver Order, but I probably won’t be spending 150 of them in one go, to check what I can get.

Are you sure you understand how the game even works? While crates being random suck they are still where most of the weapons for a casual/F2P player come from since silver only comes from the battle pass and in tiny amount’s unless you play no-life or pay.

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they said theyd change/add new ways how the silver orders can be acquired

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Nice so only way how to get weapons and soldiers is gone. :rage: Its almost imposible to get silver orders and bronze orders are only way to get some weapons and soldiers. ( 95% of my weapons/soldiers were obtained by bronze orders so I can quit game because im stuck with degtyarov DP 27 and PPS 43 and other low rank weapons.)

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they said theyr changing or adding ways to get silver orders.

That system happens in Heroes and Generals but the benefits depends on your salary.

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I think this is a fantastic change. The RNG aspect with respect to the weapon and troop system in this game was terrible IMO. Though I did enjoy the Academy system (sort of a mini-game in and of itself) I will not lament its departure.

I do think trading up bronze/silver/gold orders may be a good idea. So many bronze for silver, silver for gold, etc.

I also think the point reward system needs a pass. Right now points are too low for doing things like building items, marking items for destruction, helping revive other players, taking down planes and tanks, etc.

Do that and I feel this change is very positive for the game.

They can,bruh,everything is in-game logs,just go to enlisted directory

Damn that really sucks i always loved rolling the dice to get a random weapons unless i got yet another scoped rifle or another mas 36. Perhaps just keep the random weapon roll for bronze orders as well as the random soldier for bronze orders as its actually pretty good.

I take it it would be even more difficult to obtain weapons if that change is made as silver weapon orders are hard to come buy and gold weapon orders are just stupidly rare for the weapons they allow you to get, thus making obtaining new equipment even more grindy and a lot less fun.

Also is it just me or do all the academy and weapon upgrade changes seem to be someone’s attempt of unnecessarily dumbing everything down.

I really hope enlisted does not end up as grindy as war thunder or crossout.


What will happen to the weapon parts we allready have stockpiled fro upgrading weapons?

Keofox actually mentioned it in initial post

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