Massive improvements in the progression system

It’s a great news.
But what about lots of 4 stars soldiers lost in the academy ?


I expect transitional problems, but they are removing some of the most annoying mechanics with academy, reserve filtration and heaps of unnecessary weapons.

Can we as well get rid of soldier tiers and return some meaning to premium squads? :slight_smile:


You obviously want CAS life to be made harder, but paying for bombs would be the absolute worst option.

Because if tomorrow planes will have to buy their bombs with bronze, you’ll laugh at them.

Until the next day, when YOU’ll have to pay bronze to resupply your squads with ammo.

And the day after, when you’ll have to pay bronze to “heal” your wounded soldiers.

And soon, the game economy would degenerate into the same filthy feces pit that you can see in War Thunder, where you CAN’T progress because running costs keep sucking out all of your earnings.


I know this is getting a lot of angst, but I honestly believe you guys know what you are doing (weird, right?) This is a good thing. I HATE random systems. I have like 50 mortars I could never possibly use. So, let’s get this done. I look forward too it.

I can’t wait to sell all my old hammers and knives and mortars…hopefully I can.


Like the changes, thought that the Academy was rubbish.


  • removal of retraining points, I think that proposed solution costs too much XP

  • removal of random weapon drops for bronze, weapons and equipment will be hard to come by

Anyhoo, keep up the good work :wink:

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OK, so the removal of the Academy is an easy fix… however what this now means is that I pump loads of real money into a game I enjoy and wanted to support to have a load of extra soldiers so that when I improve them in the academy loosing 2 to each that gets updated… but now you’re telling me that I wasted all my money as you’ve removed it. So from this point on, new players to the game will be able to improve soldiers and not loose them 2 to 1… surely you can see why this is annoying. Happy to contribute to a ‘free’ to play game; however I do expect something for my money. So when you do this, I would consider refunding game tokens back to players who have purchased soldiers with it and then lost them all in the Academy gambling house. I think they Academy should have been worked on, not scrapped. Why send 3 and get 1 back? Where was the logic around that?

Removal of random weapons is a bad idea. What would have been better is the ability to do something with all the weapons I have no use for… who needs 600 spare knives? 20 flamethrowers… 15 PIATS…

There needs to be a way of cashing in soldiers and weapons you don’t want/need. The same system the Academy had. Bin 3 get a token for 1 random would be a fair trade in system. With possible trading in say 10 for a silver token to choose something you actually need.


Yes, my point too, I invested real money as a way of supporting this game as I think it shows so much promise. Les hope they engage well with the players, unlike so many other gaming companies. So with my real money I got lots of soldier to burn away at the 3 to 1 ratio in the Academy… now they say that was pointless. Thanks…

It won’t have been pointless, IF when we transition to the new system we’ll be keeping ALL the soldiers we’ve stockpiled so far, at their current level (or its equivalent level in the new system).


Not pointless… you choose spending real money as a way of leveling up soldiers under the current system. I’m not saying that was a good or bad decision but it was the best decision you made for yourself at this time.

I fail to see why you think you deserve some kind of refund just because they are changing the system.
You still have the soldiers you leveled up under the current system …


I guess we will get upgrades for flamers, mortars and maybe even the hammer in the future.
I mean in CBT I though that you cant upgrade AT guns at all and now you can upgrade AT rifles.

I have 1 soldier to every 2 lost. To get one lvl 5 soldier I will have lost 61 soldiers…

Yes and everyone who has leveled up soldiers has lost soldiers. Surely you don’t think Darkflow should refund real currency for soldiers lost?

Most all of my soldiers were purchased with bronze orders … Are you wanting them to refund you with in game bronze currency? And how do you propose they do that because when you spend a bronze order you can get anywhere from 1 to 3 soldiers at random.

Do you think they keep track of how many soldiers you got for every bronze order you spent?


I like these changes that are coming. My only worry is getting silver and gold tickets. Lets hope the DEV’S don’t make it to much of a grind to get them.

hopefully the game doesnt become more pw2 than it is rn or i will move to other game I guess.

Hmmm the weapon system is good how it is right now, I dont see why it needed a change

How would taking away the main way casual players obtain weapons be catering to them?


Well now we dont have to deal with random weapons which is good , but i want to ask what will happen with the pistols from bronze weapons draw ? ( I hope now you could buy it with bronze orders like stages from 5 to 10 to 15 bronzer for 1 to 2 to 3 star pistols . ) and when will the estimate update release ?


I dont personally think its a bad idea as a f2p player, as now i dont have to forcefully bet on luck to get the weapons which i wish to upgrade since i got more than enough mosin 1938 to fit an entire army which has the same damage output as the free mosin 1907, and my brain goes: “Why do I have so many mosins ?” and now we can sell the weapons for universal upgrades now.

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The issue is to decoupling weapons from progress. If you completed you dailies and keep playing you get nothing, and you can complete them very quickly, especially without Elite Battle Pass.

As long as they keep getting Silver Order for dailies (and it seems so), you can play for the rest of the day and you will get not a single weapon.

For everyone that never plays more than those tasks it might make no difference, but for everyone else it does.
Also you can regularly get 3-4 bronze orders (and each one equals a weapon) a game, which is more than you can get silver orders the entire day at present (without EBP). I even had 30 000+ experience games basically every day or two. No matter how they balance this, people who play more and/or better will lose.

Should they also refund weapons when new content get released? At example when people unlokced g41 at moscow. Later they released zh 29 that made g41 obsolete… both costs 3 silver so people who bought lot of g41 just “wasted” their tickets/gold

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If you buy 20 iphones and they release a new better one a year later do you get refunded for all 20 iphones?

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