Massive improvements in the progression system

you will release new easier way to earn silver orders, right? RIGHT? oh god

sooo basically new changing perk system is like

remove perk → grind → choose new perk → perk you want isnt listed → redo all the stuff

that’s super bad considering raising rank require much more XP than getting changing perk point not to mention i cant store perk point plus i need to redo all that tiring stuff just to do it once, personally current perk system is already perfect, it’s easier to get and can be stored as much as i want


The same XP is required to gain a perk point at max level as it takes to raise a level…

afaik the personel upgrade can lower perk point requirement by 4 time lower, basically getting perk point is as easy as getting perk for 1 star soldier

No just no. what the heck is this? This just to cater to casuals? I don’t get it. system was fine. Academy should’ve been changed to 1 person only needed to send away. would have improved and fixed everything and was fun lvl micro progression. bronze orders should be given more for win. pistols and knives be able to be bought for silver. Keep the upgrade system but streamline it and further develop, customization like sights scopes, bayonets and idk trinkets to attach to personalize. Is fun with locking up, lving up progression, something to work for. But I see every comments on here just going yay! and still I hear they want more and easier. NEVER cater to casuals and scrubs, that always kills games, they are too stupid to know what’s best for them. You need progression and hard work to care and get invested. A scenario where you just get everything for minimal effort will give no feedback or cause to fight for and eventually you just don’t care no point. That’s just my 10 cents. More grindy annoying shit but in a makes sense way, NOT just hand shit out for no effort. scared to see mroe tendencies like this


You know that they are also preventing them from using bronze orders to get new stuff right??


the new system is maybe bad but it can be fixed
like this, im bad at explaining bear with it

so basically “if soldier perk is removed then player can choose any available perk for the soldier on next perk selection” not just 3 but whole list of available perk

if you mean this is making the perk system too easy then think carefully how many soldier you have give perk. on normandy i have 4 infantry squad and 3 plane squad so about 31 soldier and all of them are 4 star or more, so i need to get perk for 130 soldier, that’s a lot Okay?

i fear the f2p part of the game is going to suffer A LOT with this update…now we cant buys random weapon/soldier with bronze order but use them to update weapons and such…ok nice, but what type of rework to silver order are you going to make? even giving more silver to battlepass is a bad idea because non premium player can only complete 3 tasks at day and will cripple them a lot making it cleat that you are forced to buy the pass. Atleast make that for every 3 task completed you get 1-2 silver order, so yes premium player are more advanced, but atleast you have the certainty that you get 1-2 silver order per day. Oh and please make the pistol and the attachment cost bronze order instead of silver. They are accessory so its right that we can purchase them with bronze


wasnt they removed random order because it was counted as loot box which EU hate a lot? since attachment dont use loot box system i think it’ll stay as it is

for pistol i agree tho, considering how useless the thing is

With this new system…is there going to be any way to use old gear to get bronze orders. I mean…What am I supposed to do with the 300 knives and 50 extra Mosins I have??

Now you know what we know …


Getting rid of so many RNG systems and monetization oportunities had to be hard decision indeed…

However, before we start celebrating, Darkflow needs to ensure that both paying and F2P accounts needs to have another “main” source of silver tickets (meaning this silver orders source needs to be main source). Battlepass is simply not adequate way how to get them. Otherwise this change will completely destroy one of the most fundamental parts of this game: progression.


Thanks. I missed that

The current system is straight up boring. If you have autism sure, I bet it’s “interesting” navigating through 10 different sub-menus to level up one soldier or weapon.

“casuals” lol give me a break, the current system is janky and confusing on its best day.


Glad to hear that.

This is a bad idea.
Unless you change the way players earn Silver Orders (not from limited number of DailyTasks as it is now), you are handicaping players who play the game more and who progress faster.
They will unlock Campaign levels much faster than they have orders for new weapons, and I think that is a very ill advised way to punished players who play the game more.

This creates a possible scenario where a player who only spent 1-2 hours every day getting dailys has mroe weapons and weapon orders at Campaing lvl 6, than a player who spent 4 times as much time and has lvl 20.

Unless you can earn silver orders in a similar fashon as bronze ones, or at least through out the whole day (with no limit), this is what will happen. And I suspect this is out of the question, because that would invalidate Elite Battle Pass.

Also a question do weapons include things like granades, mines etc., or are they still earned with bronze orders?


You radically misspelt ‘changes’ as ‘improvements’, like some kind of politicians…


people without battle pass:


In addition to this let us earn 1 silver for every 9000 to 15000 points and that should be sufficient. The BP can remain as is and any silver earned there will just be icing on the cake …


you’re will be still authorized to buy some rocks and wooden sticks to throw them at the mouths of enemies with bronze orders.

Be happy


And the bombs of the planes that kill an entire squad even if you are 60 meters away and under cover or even if the distance between you and your squad is 143 meters.