Massive improvements in the progression system

Kinda late but still nice.

I guess we will never get rid off the RNG in the game.

Very brave decision, it must have not been easy in the discussion meetings

Have to ask about the weapons. Is the only way to obtain new weapons now outside of campaign progression is by silver orders? Wouldn’t it create a problem since silver is not naturally replenishable like bronze?


Oh I re read correctly:

It’s not ONLY weapons that will only be obtainable with gold or silver, soldiers as well.

Prepare your wallets…


Keofox didn’t say this but I’m guessing you will be able to buy silver with Bronze …

what a blast.

unexpected as well.

this surely put a smile on many faces. i guess included mine.

although, i will greately miss the accedemy. it’s one of those things that me like many others, grew up with the game.

i can’t say much since the whole system is not out yet.
but i have, contrasted feelings about it.

so i’ll look foward for to try it.

the same thought for me is applied on the perk side and weapons.

i notice that is going heavely towards bronze orders.
a quite big change indeed.


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I like these changes, but listen to @_31420124242011




are vehicle parts getting reworked also?


what the big deal guy? so it will be faster to upgrade your stuff, but it will take longer to get your stuff.
seems like a fair trade

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As long as you give players, both premium and F2P a reasonable amount of silver orders, (I.E. more than what we get currently) this is a very good change, it sounds to me at least.


Except it completely fucks over f2ps since the bp’s silver weapons orders are very sparse which makes it indefinitely harder to equip soldiers with weapons that you want


Yes, when you look real quick and don’t think too much it might seem so.

But there’s a major difference: Before, battle pass wasn’t necessary to progress. It was here for ppl who wanted more goodies, it was for fun.
Since it’s for now the ONLY way to obtain silver orders though… it will become a necessity.

Granted I won’t be impacted much because I already buy it. But I’m thinking of the many who don’t. And the new players as well.

This tradeoff is only good gor those willing to pay. 🤷

UNLESS a new way to obtain the absolutely necessary to progress silver orders gets implemented as well.


keo DID say that they were going to rework obtaining silver orders, which gives me hope that silver orders will become more inline with how bronze orders are currently

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it is already difficult to obtain the weapons that require 2 or 3 silver orders, now also the bolt-action that normally require a bronze order, wy they do not increase the price of the battlepass to 20 euros instead of 10 at this point so they give the final blow to the f2p

Honestly think the system we have now is pretty decent, just needed a few quality of life improvements

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How you compensate me all my soldiers that i used in academy ? In old system it was normal to lost 2 of your soldier to gain 1 stronger. So in new system this will be no case so i wasted all my 4 stars soldier for nothing (if take to consideration that i could know that this change happen) … Also all weapons that i disasmbled for 1 lvl upgrade. I m very happy with new changes, but compesation will be my main problem.

Amazing! This is great and much easier!

This is my hope too, but nothing clear is being mentioned about how yet… while the ban on “bronze orders to obtain stuff” is already a clear thing…


If the reserve pool is going away or being cut down, give us time to swap soldiers into squads that we want to keep before going live …

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