[Map] Nuketown Zombies

Is possible to add the moon event weapon?

Someone has once again used your soviet caponier rendinst without giving any credit
Might be off topic but i just wanted to tell you

it’s the same guy too :joy:

“But it has two flags at the entrace! It’s not your prefab! It’s just veeery similar”


TBH i don’t care. It’s not like the caponier is a custom model or something, it’s a game asset, it’s not mine.


It would be still nice if they credited you

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Update 1.5:

  • Added more wall buys

  • Added anim_offset changes suggested in this thread.

  • Added “Tough”, “Super Tough” and “Stupid fast” zombies for higher waves.

  • Waves have been reworked; Based on what i’ve seen in public lobbies, late-game waves were too easily beaten. In later waves now players will encounter zombies with more hp and/or speed. It seems like quantity doesn’t matter, quality (in this case HP and speed) does.
    (Not all of the zombies are affected, only the deadliest.)


Dude, I didn’t use anyone’s rendinst. This is an rendinst in Cuisine Royale, which is also in Enlistedi’s game files. If you look at the map carefully you will understand this, think twice before judging someone

I cant because it isnt working

The mode actually works. We played it very well with 8 people. Try it again. If you want, use the North America server. I don’t know why but mods don’t work on other servers.

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The server bug is present with other mods too. I will test if it works when i have time

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except you did used my entire modified map where i replaced the older hesco with crate boxes plus all the others and various changes that i made, and not a single name dropped " thanks to x / y "



i’m not gonna start a " war " over a map that i made free.

even though luckily, you made a pvp ( and i was about to make a pve ) no hard feelings.

but you didn’t even bothered:

if you are going to use this mod though, have at least the decency of mentioning the creator in the comments (me). thanks!.

so yeah…

I looked at the map you made and it just gave me an idea. I changed the entire map. There is almost nothing left from that mod you made Except for 10 boxes and 1 tent that I forgot to replace. Also, if you look at how much this map has to do with the map you made, I do not accept this accusation you made against me because of 8-10 boxes and 1 milita tent. If you want, I can share the mod with you. You cannot call someone a thief without any evidence. This is unethical.

you haven’t changed most of it.

the port area is exactely the same.

the hangar was still exactely the same.

not to mention, the side bases on the american side ( gavutu south so to speak )

so… no.
not just " 10 " boxes.

p.s putting weapons and a table, i hardly call that a modification from the original.

however, i’ll give you that much about the barbwire, mines and the planes.

If you want, I can share the file with you. If there is something you have done that I have forgotten to delete, you can let me know. If there is, I apologize.

nah it’s fine.

i don’t care.

i just pointed out that if you take a code from someone that shared something, EVEN if you modified or not, a mention would always be apreciated of said person.

rather than literally stealing. ( or just profiting )

it cost you nothing.

which ( unfortunately ) there has been worse cases like sergey entire hangar being stolen by bad actors.


As I said, I completely forgot about you since there is nothing left about the map you made and it has been almost a year since I started making this mod.

Anyway, I’m glad we agreed.

1.6 is released.

  • Added 6 PaP weapons. These weapons come with increased damage output, bigger magazine size and skins. Can be bought from special PaP random box.

  • Map was extended for PaP box.

  • Cave has been nerfed. Camping in the cave is discouraged. Instead, splitting up is encouraged.

  • Added more wall buys, and more weapons for regular random box.

  • Added 5 more waves.

  • Minor map changes.






i havent had a chance to try your map yet, but do you know if the AN/M2 Stinger weapon in the editor is used at all? perhaps from the mystery box?

its one of the most insane guns in the game and it would be so much fun to mow down zombies with it